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philpy last won the day on August 3 2016

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5,020 Excellent


About philpy

  • Birthday 03/05/1977

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  • straight to DVD
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  • Interests
    fitba and beer.
  • My Team
    Raith Rovers

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  1. The last time we signed a striker from St Johnstone, we won the league.....
  2. Stevie may to us (raith) Is doing the rounds apparently.
  3. There's a dog treat shop in Portobello high street, and while driving past it today, I saw a guy walking past with a labrador, the dug decided it wanted to venture in, nearly pulling the guy off his feet
  4. https://youtu.be/3h5wbGMB3gI?si=AqIh3tbHHDl3Tvjx
  5. That c**t sergei the meerkat is shite at his job. Simples.
  6. I hope you didn't get emulsional about it.
  7. Heading down to Haddington the other week, and passed a few large trucks which were obviously heading down for the Scottish open golf. The wife pipes up, "oh, they must be heading to troon"
  8. Sadly no, but I've got a very good back catalogue of rude jokes that I've stolen from other people over the years...
  9. Piss off rovers, I'm skint . Anybody fancy starting a crowdfunder for me
  10. When I was stationed oot in Belize, I threw a macaque monkey in the sea.
  11. I had to take steps on Saturday, unfortunately had to walk past some right ugly pusses....
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