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Enigma last won the day on May 4 2014

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About Enigma

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  • Kings of Fife
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    Raith Rovers

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  1. This signing a keeper and fucking up the registration is exactly the sort of thing that would have happened at the Rovers in years gone by. Remarkable the change in our fortunes and how the outlook is since our new ownership group came on board: passionate, full of ideas and just seem to be getting the job done. I don’t think anything much will change at Dunfermline with your current ownership group in charge. It’s no good producing youth players if you’re in Legaue One (I’d wager your next relegation comes before your next promotion) and teams can pick anybody decent you produce for buttons.
  2. Your club is a just a wee experiment for your owners, day to day they probably don’t give much of a f**k. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them at Stark’s for a derby game for example.
  3. He’ll know he has a shelf life. I’m sure the average tenure of a football manager in Scotland is comfortably under two years, which he is now over. Chances are he might not your manager this time next year, less so this same time in two years. He won’t be too concerned, therefore, about what your balance sheet looks like in, say, five years time, that’s not his job.
  4. McGlynn doesn’t care about the Falkirk board or fanbase here, or even about the long term future of the club, he cares about doing the best job for John McGlynn, which is getting as much as he can out of your board so he looks good and Falkirk do well while he’s still around. 99% of managers are exactly the same.
  5. He’s covering his arse while also putting some pressure on the Falkirk board to dole out more funds, nothing unusual about that, he’s given that interview before as Rovers manger.
  6. Bugatti Vayron. Gets me from A to B.
  7. Maybe another “fact finding” mission to a St Pauli game is what’s required.
  8. Is McPake really the problem though? Strikes me as an outsider it’s a lack of investment in the first team that’s the real issue. Too few signings. Sack McPake and the next guy will just have the same issues. Easy to forget McPake made short work of a league many other managers might struggle to get out of.
  9. If only you were fan owned and could do something about that…
  10. You’d think so but then what about this rare photo of Sean Connery signed by Roger Moore? It is worth $150.
  11. Please don’t answer my question with a question.
  12. How large do we think the points gap will be between us this season? 24 points was good but I think we should be going be 30+ this time around.
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