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Big chungus

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  1. I wonder if maybe something has happened with the Allan situation. Say Mcglynn expected that once Allan went out on loan the board would release the funds from his wage. Maybe they haven’t done that or possibly not made the full amount available. Pure speculation on my part. Just thought that we would have somebody lined up to replace Allan, considering it’s been in the works for a while.
  2. As stated by others I personally don’t buy into this narrative that’s he’s having a go at the people (fans) who are backing the club. All he’s saying is he does not have the same budget as teams around about us.
  3. Mcglynn has stated since about March that he would only be looking to add “1 or 2 players” to the group. He’s signed Sneddon and McKenna, plus securing Ross and tait. Surprised to hear him now moaning about budgets. Even if the money was there who did he want to sign?
  4. Listen, we wouldn’t be a football club if the manager wasn’t asking the board for more money. I imagine Jamie swinney will say something along those lines on the Falkirk daft podcast this week as well. Should he have went public with it? Probably not, however, I do agree with other posters that it’s impossible to tell the tone of the comment in the written press. He’s a football manager, that ultimately wants to win, he’ll be frustrated at what other teams around about us are spending. That’s all.
  5. As he had a go at the budget he’s been given here?
  6. For others though going to the football on a Saturday is also a social thing. For some, it may be the only time they get out of the house all week. I wouldn’t be criticising people for going to away games.
  7. Probably get a call up to the Scotland squad at some point as well. Done really well in the Austrian Bundesliga.
  8. Big game against stenny next week. A win by 2 or 3 goals should comfortably see us into the next round and an extra minimum of 20k secured.
  9. Game management. 3-1 in the first half. That’ll do for me. Take the foot off the gas. In agreement with you tho, get some subs on and rest players.
  10. Hopefully there is some positive updates on some of the missing players after todays game.
  11. Does that mean Adams is out injured then? Deary me, down to the barebones in defence now.
  12. I do think this is also possible. Allan has been loaned out since January, and as people have already stated it’s been in the works for a while. Could it be possible that Allan going out on loan has already been factored into the budget? I still think we’ll bring in someone else but I’m not 100% convinced Allan going means someone else coming in.
  13. You have been sniffing glue if you think your chairman isn’t investing a significant sum.
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