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    Partick Thistle

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  1. I’d be sending some signals to Hearts about Craig Gordon tbh also speculation that Mitchell might be back for Sunday
  2. In any case it’s not a good move for him, at all. don’t see how him or hearts benefit from neilson being in a shitey defensive team that could very well change manager sooner than later. his forward thinking style won’t even get a sniff under Levein.
  3. Looked to me like he injured himself running back try to catch it hence the mess he ended up in trying to keep it off the line. heard was his hamstring so could easily have went when trying to run back.
  4. I’d go for Grimshaw tbh. I don’t see how we can be getting Megwa when Hibs are playing him most games and he started today. Surely works into their plans.
  5. Mitchell is our #1 for the upcoming season. if we are after another keeper it’s a sub keeper on a similar level to Mitchell. Pretty sure Mitchell would’ve left if he didn’t have the assurances that he was the first choice unless forced not to be. have said this before - the jersey is his to lose this season. If he gets injured and an adequate backup takes his place then that’s a different story but we are not signing someone to bench Mitchell, especially with 2wks to go until the first league game of the season.
  6. Would have him at firhill any day assuming Livvy looking for a fee
  7. While you’re here - what’s going on with Miles Welch-Hayes?
  8. seeing what it out there just now, just not sure we were ever going to be able to get someone “better” than Mitchell at this level, unless we went with someone inexperienced or untested. it’s a risk in a season where we are genuinely going to push to win the league. could end up a disaster. Mitchell on the whole has been a good keeper for us and with his rapport with the defence, should see us well through the season. Ultimately then the search begins for a top flight keeper, if we go up.
  9. Would probably rather a good experienced keeper as backup instead of a young loan signing. Probably the best you will find in the market if that is what we are after.
  10. He missed more than he scored , mainly down to lack of sharpness which he admitted himself a few times. So could easily have been more with the right amount of minutes. He became more consistent once he was getting 25-30 instead of 5-10mins the day we played Arbroath at Firhill he shoulda been on 4 goals easy.
  11. It’s a very smart ploy if true even if Tomi needs another month or two for recovery. Lawless and Tomi coming back in the winter months would be like two strong signings in the January window to strengthen an already strong squad.
  12. You can pay an extra £5 when purchasing in fan base, to have a physical card posted out I’ve done that but mine not here yet however have heard it will be end of month
  13. Aye, have seen loads of folk saying about this third kit where are people seeing it?
  14. I remember this with the WM40 press conference. it was absolutely stupid. Honestly an advert every 40seconds. Insanity. Impossible to watch it. It actually encouraged me to buy YouTube Premium., it was that bad.
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