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  1. Just make sure your connection has loads of time before it, CDG is an absolute nightmare to navigate, especially with the Olympics on, and their staff I don't think have had any customer service training.
  2. I took out their insurance and it was sold with a guarantee about making connecting flights so I hope so.
  3. I believe "the 50 minute dash between airport terminals" is a new Olympic sport this year.
  4. Yes we got to the game no bother. Was speaking to other Saints fans whose flight was delayed and they had to pay extra to get on another flight otherwise they'd have missed the game. Still, can't complain, Paisley Panda made it over from Australia.
  5. This whole going to Europe thing is beginning to lose its shine. Missed connecting flight in Paris because we were given 50 minutes to get from terminal 1, through security and to terminal 2B, which, for anyone who hasn't been to CDG airport, would be an impossible task even if you were Usain Bolt on a motorbike. Currently in a very expensive Paris hotel as couldn't get a flight back till tomorrow. Another Saints fan also here.
  6. Par for us would be getting past Valur and going out in the next round, when you look at the players Go Ahead or Brann have they would be clear favourites against us. I think Valur will be tricky. Despite their win in Albania, their home form is much better than away so I'd be happy with a draw on Thursday, even a narrow defeat would give us a good chance.
  7. We gave these nice Icelandic people three days - three days - to buy tickets. After that it's fair game. We can also justify this because - It's been 37 years; I can't go to the next away trip if we get through. The downside is, at £2300 for 2 of us to get there, I may arrive home tonight and find the locks have been changed.
  8. Looks like Poland, Holland, Norway, Croatia and Sweden likeliest destinations. Good we've avoided the genocidal maniacs. If you think getting to Iceland is difficult wait till we draw Tromso!* * If we get through.
  9. No direct flights left, ones from Glasgow are coming in at over a grand each and that's with a stop off and ridiculously early flights on the way back. If you shop around you can get flights for about £700 but this usually involves a tour of various European airports. There was one deal I saw at £380 return - but it would take 42 hours and arrive after the game is finished!
  10. I reckon those Vikings have had enough time to buy, I might come over to the dark side, if I can get there.
  11. I think the point is Saints fans rushing in and buying tickets could potentially lead to Valur fans missing out, but agree looking at the website there seem to be more tickets now available than there was last night. I'd be raging if there are empty seats on Thursday and I could have got tickets but didn't, so now in a quandary. Of course, I'm still waiting on price flights to come down to reasonable levels and for them not to involve a 21 hour journey visiting various European airports.
  12. I saw the link this morning but decided against it - if, in a couple of days, there were still tickets left I'd have reckoned the interest from home fans wasn't great and bought them, but I don't agree with buying tickets for the home end if this will deprive genuine Valur fans the opportunity to go.
  13. I decided not to buy because - I've still not got travel sorted because flight prices are very high; I have integrity and wouldn't want to deny a Valur fan seeing their team play; Even though me and my son both have fairish hair so could pass for Icelandic, my grasp of the language is very poor so we'd get caught. I'm hoping there is now an outcry from Valur fans and they move it to the national stadium.
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