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Nutz_the_Squirrel last won the day on August 5 2023

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  1. Arguing about how working class you are and how poor you were growing up.
  2. I used to study and work in Glasgow city centre up until 10 years ago and rarely visit now. Went today and while I appreciate TRNST is on, the whole of the city is a shit show. It’s dirtier and smellier than I have ever recalled and completely run down. Is it just me that there has been a massive decline in the past decade or am I just noticing it now I’m not there often anymore?
  3. I was just impressed that McCrorie found the time to exit Randomguy’s missus to turn up to the game.
  4. Working from home 3/4 of the time was new and great for me. Home schooling while holding down said job is still not something I can laugh about. There was zero excuse for teachers not being on MST or Zoom with the kids for a few hours a day. The shopping situation with respect to toilet roll, flour etc just showed society for what it is. There is no chance that people follow the rules of any future lockdowns. None.
  5. Looks like another weekend with only Sevco serving up some laughs and schadenfreude.
  6. Had a dream last night that Brophy was a starter for Scotland.
  7. Not a single sniff of a two footed challenge to the knee. This derby is soft as shite nowadays.
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