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Everything posted by philpy

  1. He'll unearth a few gems. Genuinely don't think we'll see a better manager in this generation.
  2. Hope grimbo wasn't one of the mourners.....
  3. That's our niece's husband been struck down with it now. Been struggling with his breathing. He's a strong and fit lad , hopefully he'll be OK.
  4. Well this is nice. Just like a crunchie bar in liquid alcohol form..
  5. Anyone else assume MSN messenger? Nope. FB messenger.
  6. Sounds like she's got more than just dyslexia unfortunately and needs some serious help. No surprise the police just brushed it off, instead of being any real help. Wife spoke to the daughter of an elderly neighbour today, and she's been having run-ins with people well before we moved in. This included threatening the elderly neighbour after she politely asked her son to stop kicking his football against her fence
  7. A woman across the square who we thought seemed OK has turned out to be one unhinged individual. She has dyslexia, and a year or so ago the wife helped her draft up emails to the council about getting work done in her garden. They were getting on fine, a week later she got a new car, the wife asked her what kind, the wife got accused of being a nosy cow and not to speak to her again. Monday afternoon, the wife was sitting downstairs and the daft woman came in the gate, came to the door screaming "YOU YA FUCKING BITCH , I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART, YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING TO MY DAD AND MY SON!!!". Wife has seen her dad once, never spoke to him, same with her son. Thankfully the wife had the door locked. Wife phoned the police, they spoke to the daft cow and she stood screaming and shouting at the police, insisting my wife had "done something" to her son. My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, suffers from anxiety and this hasn't helped at all. The daft boot has been cautioned and told not to come near the house or Me or the wife or she'll get lifted. WTF???
  8. Aye, it is a bit like a butcher's apron right enough. The players better read between the loins, and if they don't steak their claim for a place in the starting 11, they'll be in for the chop.
  9. Making at least 3 messenger calls to friends in England, then moaning because she's not had time do anything.
  10. That's the sister in law and her family having to isolate, 3 out of the 4 of them in the house have it. Not been in contact with them thankfully.
  11. Is there a chance that the SG dragging their heels with restrictions will kill the economy further?? Surely more people will start heading over the border for holidays if things are easing more??
  12. Drove home from Cumbria in torrential rain on Sunday, and between Moffat and Biggar, the amount of idiots overtaking in dangerous conditions was unreal. On one occasion some fuckwit overtook me at around 60mph, (I was doing 50, as the roads were slippy as f**k, and a lot of bends on that road), he didn't realise there was a bad bend, despite a warning sign further back) and had to pull in at the last second, causing me to brake suddenly. I cannot understand fuckwits like that , that cannot drive to the conditions.
  13. This is lovely. Made from upcycled coco pops, interestingly.
  14. Great spotted woodpecker in keswick this morning.
  15. Plenty to keep me going for the next week or 2. Best thing about a couple of nights in England, no minimum pricing!!
  16. Away to keswick for 2 nights, currently in a Belgian taproom. Some list.
  17. Lovely beer with a cracking view. I'm quite partial to the "Clyde puffer" as well, nice ale.
  18. We should get a gig lined up In maggieknocater for Alexandra Burke.
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