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Everything posted by engelbert_humperdink

  1. Yes you can, test them and if they need hospital treatment then in they go. The infection could be controlled if everyone deemed not vulnerable wasn't in lockdown as hospital cases would be overrun as only a small minority would need hospital treatment
  2. Where are the covid wards overflowing, these temp hospitals built could be used instead of being stood down
  3. It was more to do with cancer research money going towards corona, which is sickening
  4. Busted, need to dig out the dodgy puns and questionable looking nurses
  5. First paragraph assumes that I am selfish, infact I'm just as concerned about those healthy who have been unable to work, lost jobs, financially worse off and the mental impact this is having on the majority of the country than people like yourself who for obvious reasons need to isolate. If I was in the vulnerable category and young I would self isolate. but not falling into that category I would probably have more chance dying of something else than covid.
  6. It wasnt poor planning the government overreacted to the covid threat and the NHS being overloaded which hasn't happened but has led to the deaths of thousands in care homes who were papped off to care homes untested, imo that is a crime that should see court. There are going to be the exceptions with healthy people succumbing to covid but miniscule numbers on the grand scheme of things. It doesn't help that any death with covid present seems to be the root cause of death even if they were in pallative care with days left and the covid not even being the driving force behind their death. I'm not saying what is best for now imo the lockdown should have been sharp and focused on the vulnerable not the healthy. People acting on here like I'm some monster that wants to see carnage. A quarter of uk deaths are in care homes ICU cases dropping, deaths dropping. The lockdown was half arsed with cheltenham going ahead many more will have been infected than not. Hope those asymptomatic are high in number
  7. I've been more of a long time lurker, but the fascination with greenies from complete strangers on an internet forum is strange behaviour. Any budding psychologists would have hours of study 9n some of these threads
  8. He has been overly dramatic, but then from the sounds of his post he is in the vulnerable group. I wonder what is attitide would have been if he was young and healthy
  9. Nothing convenient on my end, only what I have seen. Not a generalised comment on the older or vulnerable population.
  10. Different generation. Although the women were probably busy with GI's than have time to complain
  11. Social distancing is though, which I see elderly people breaking on a daily basis
  12. And I see first hand on a daily basis that not being the case, but well done to the pensioners that you know
  13. When did I advocate doing nothing? I'm 100% for the vulnerable being on lockdown and I haven't posted anything to say otherwise, although I can see why there attitude may be f**k it. But I'm also against healthy people being on lockdown, effecting mental health, job and financial security. I am for building immunity that way, as opposed to sitting about twiddling our thumbs until the vaccine comes along to protect the vulnerable.
  14. We could well be too far down the road for this anyway. The antibody testing is the most important thing imo. Until we have a real number on who has had it, then surely we will be in a better position moving forward, and also more improtantly find out how deadly covid actually is
  15. 10 years? Really. I don't see a scenario that if the vulnerable were properly self isolating and cared for during the last 8 weeks, and life went on as normal for the rest of the population, that we would be close to hundreds of thousands of deaths. And we would be closer to building immunity to the virus. There comes a point that quality of life will lead to people begining to completely ignore social distancing and lockdown guidelines. We are not in 1940's Britain anymore. This current generation are not of that ilk.
  16. A pensioner got on the bus yesterday, had a go at the driver for how long he was waiting at the bus stop, then went and sat right behind some woman. I can't blame a lot of them because at that age time really is precious. They may just have the f**k it they could drop dead next month, not going to sit on my arse for my last days, and I cannot sit here and say that I wouldnt probably do the same
  17. I'm suggesting it because it seems the only solution unless you want to be social distancing for the next decade. Healthy people die every day, for whatever reason. And what is the chance of a healthy person catching and dying of the virus? I'd assume it was that small that any sane healthy person would take there chances as they are probably more likely to die of some other cause
  18. How far ahead are we medically now, how much more informative are we in nutrition now. You can't compare diseases of yesteryear to now. Antibody testing is needed because we may never find a safe proof vaccine and if this virus isn't going away, what else is there but her immunity.
  19. Because they assume most fans are innumerate and will be in awe of the size
  20. The full lockdown was never needed. Vulnerable people stay isolated, whilst the non vulnerable build up her immunity how is that fanciful. Care homes were left to themselves, not that the private care homes would care as more money, even though it could be compared to buying a goldfish with many dying
  21. You know I can't. But my whole point is on why were healthy people forced into a lockdown for 8+ weeks, when the vast majority of deaths are in the vulnerable group?. This has financially fucked a lot of people and the impact on mental health will be huge. Cancer deaths will go up as people hold off going for a checkup, as will other illnesses. The whole thing is a complete shambles
  22. So why should healthy people be on lockdown then if vaccinations work together with herd immunity. The vulnerable should be isolating not the healthy. Because of this we are going to be paying back to the money tree and probably years more financial instability
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