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Everything posted by JamesP_81

  1. I really hope someone more technically proficient than me can crop that wee clip of Casey's finger wagging "ah-hey-hey-hey-heeey" and make it a thing.
  2. Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres. Have had this sitting on a bookshelf at my dad's house for 25 years after buying it in my teens but never getting round to opening it. I'm so glad I eventually did , really wasn't what I was expecting. An absolute joy to read with some incredibly funny and touching moments then into some of the most horrifying and heartwrenching descriptions of war I've ever read. Will definitely live with me for a good while.
  3. Friday night was possibly my favourite ever time at FP. I'm sure through the years there have been other games to rival the atmosphere there but being able to share it with my 2 boys, (who have had a pretty tough introduction to FP starting in the Alexander era ) was pretty special . Especially turning round at the final whistle to see my youngest have the biggest cheesy smile on his face when he said " dad, we're going to Hampden !" Icing on the cake is getting home , putting on the highlights and clearly seeing the 3 of us giving it laldy at the full time whistle. Woke up yesterday to an urgent call from the hospital so have now spent the last 30 hours up at Wishaw at my dad's bedside going from expecting to lose him in a matter of minutes to looking like he's going to pull through . Whit a weekend , talk about ups and downs . Life, eh! I'll take that draw , probably the sweet spot of all the permutations and if Aberdeen can't take advantage of Celtic's European preparations then f#ck it , let's just beat both the OF on the way to lift the cup.
  4. I'm pretty sure at least once a game this season I've turned round to my boy to say if that was Kelly that would have been a goal. Loving seeing a keeper come and pluck a ball out the air around the penalty spot, think he should grow a dodgy 'tache and grow his hair out a bit for full effect.
  5. As long as it's the other one in the final , not bothered with the order.
  6. Love how Ketts has seemingly had the brakes on any kind of attacking but now the back line feels sorted it's just full blown attack mode !
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