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Everything posted by HopeStreetWalker

  1. It is the style of football of the future and will become the norm. Just as the day of the specialized winger or a sweeper is a thing of the past
  2. That is the brilliant simplicy of the way Manchester City play, different formations for different phases of the game and everybody is comfortable in these different roles. But getting back to the obsolete term of Full back. We no longer refer to No 4 & 6 as Half Backs defenders now are just that multi-role defenders. Anyway lets hope we turn over Cove.
  3. There is blurring now in the full back roll in fact the definition of a full back is obsolete. Manchester City with the Christmas Tree 3-2-4-1 formation is the future. 3 central defenders that can break from the back. 2 holding midfield players, 4 midfield players where the full back / wing back are. 1 center forward. By swamping midfield with 6 players the danger that the full-back traditionally dealt with is no longer there.
  4. It was a good hangout, must have been a goldmine for the owners. Just shows you if you offer a product or service at a price people want and can afford to spend their disposable income on you will get the business.
  5. Bet it took a while for the bruising to come out. The thing was all you needed was a soak in a bath, your sunday dinner and you were out on the raz till midnight at the dancing at the Leapark Hotel.
  6. Remember that! He was a danger to himself more than anybody else. You were lucky not to have got the same it was a horrendous tackle. Remember the Police van passing a few minutes after and them calling the ambulance. Nobodies heart was in it and we all drifted home.
  7. Many epic 8 - 9 a side bounce games on the Bleachfield Hockey pitch on Sunday's early 70's Was as good as weeky Falkirk v Camelon derbies they went on for about 3 hours taking on water at J K Miller's at half time. Lot of good football played, competitive but fair and not one vandetta. Looking back we did not realise just how fit we were. 'You don't know what you've got till its gone' as Joni Mitchell sang Happy memories
  8. Collins! a softy compared to their Billy Osbourne, nasty piece of work
  9. As in any shareholder vote you can empower a proxy 3rd party to vote on your behalf. If shares are left by an individual in their estate I cannot see the club objecting for no other reason it would be a PR disaster.
  10. The club have no tangible assets full stop what we do have is worthless on the open market, a pitch on land we don't own and seats on a stand we don't own so nothing to borrow against. FFC should see what they can get from the council for it and grab it £50k - £100k - £200k you never know till you ask and the council own the whole stadium outright. Which will work for them as a council asset that they can borrow against so they would be interested. Let them repair / replace the seats, pitch and roof. FFC will never own the stadium so be shot of it make a clean break and get a one-off cash injection.
  11. New shares issued dilutes the % the individual or groupings hold at present. So a grouping trying to get to a magic % have to consider share issues dilute the clout already held.
  12. Have fallen flat on our faces so often over the last few years on our first game of the season it was a big win for the Manager, Players, Fans thank goodness we won. Anything else it would have been pitchforks and torches outside the main stand. Let's keep our feet on the ground and on to the next game.
  13. The EFL are applying some common sense new rules for referee's to eliminate timewasting and are well worth considering. In particular the signaling by the ref the clocks stopped. When timewasting results in an extra 10+ minutes it will soon stop.
  14. Maybe a case of get him out the road and put him in the shop window if the worse comes to the worse.
  15. Annan have just signed a forward from Preston on loan Finlay Cross-Adair they will get a lift from that.
  16. This is what gives me the fear. Assuming FSS will stump up £390,000 in this financial climate - really? Yesterday interest rates went up, food inflation at 8% so Joe Soap punter is getting squeezed till the pips pop. Assume = Makes an ass of me and an ass of you and if you assume in business you go out of business. Fingers crossed FSS pull it off because if we don't the club is in the shit.
  17. He was a numptie he used to be the route planner for the transport department for Allied Ironfounders. Talked a good line and was smarmy with it.
  18. Imperial Cars! that's nothing. Bob Shaw had pitchside hoardings and programme adverts still showing for 3 seasons without any agreement and the companies promptly told his to get out when he came calling for the cash as did the board to Bob Shaw when they found out
  19. No! there is another way. Smaller squad - Hybrid Full time-Part time set up. Not what anybody want's but if it keeps the club viable then it should be seriously looked at as an option while we are in this division. Interest Rates have gone up again and will go up further eroding peoples disposable income and it will reduce the amount fans can contribute. If there is a shortfall then the club is in big trouble
  20. Hopefully it makes a big hole in the shortfall predicted. I fear for another mid season financial crisis.
  21. Get your point it's future seasons i'm on about. The club has been very lucky with a fanbase that has dug deep in financial challenging times over the last few seasons. Factoring in a begging bowl if things go wrong to save the club just ain't sustainable and that's my point. Would rather set a budget that's achievable and if there is a surplus mid-season take it from there. If that means a smaller squad, hybrid so be it. At least we would have a club to support. In the mid 70's when we nearly went bust and went part-time it was miserable I don't want that again.
  22. If FFC have budgeted a £400k short fall then hell mend us, the fanbase digging deep as well intended as it is not's sustainable. Sooner or later a yearly begging bowl ain't going to be filled.
  23. Just can't see anybody wanting any and if they do move it will be Falkirk picking up most of the wages. So minimal funds will be coming in from that source. One thing is for sure the right back position is where the opposition will try to overload and exploit.
  24. If the team don't get off to a good start then 'Can't get no Satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones would set the mood and the feeling of the fan's
  25. Games played so far have mixed messaging Good v Bad - Positive v Negative. We will know where the squad stands in the grand scheme of things when we start the only business that matters - The league! The team and manager need a flying start with hopefully a good display because if they don't think the fanbase will turn on them compounding the problem. Winning the first league game is critical.
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