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  1. We will have a better idea where we stand after Q1
  2. The plainer the strip the classier it looks. No need for patterns in the materials
  3. I agree and my post made it clear FFC has got the balance right.
  4. Read the post! then try and understand the words. 'Quote from the post - 'The club has got the right balance' Your post does not relate to reality. Correction and redaction?
  5. Read the post! then try and understand the words. 'Quote from the post - 'The club has got the right balance' Your post does not relate to reality. Correction and redaction?
  6. Read the post! then try and understand the words. 'Quote from the post - 'The club has got the right balance' Your post does not relate to reality. Correction and redaction?
  7. As part of the Scottish Government Licensing Conditions. There should be 'No restricted seats allowed' you can be assured when capacity is reduced they will do something about it. The only reason these crap seats are there is because the club can get away with it.
  8. The Armed Forces Covenant is all fine and dandy. But the club should be careful about mission creep where the UnionJackery element hijack the commendable policy for Political and Sectarian reasons. UK Armed Forces Air, Sea and Land deployed in support of the IDF in their Gaza offensive and therefore implicated in International Court prosecutions is another factor. The club has got the balance right. Lets keep it that way and leave Political and Sectarian messages sadly tagged to the armed forces to the arse cheeks.
  9. Part of the regulations to get a Stadium Licence Certification is that all seats must be able to see the full playing surface. If they don't they are removed. When these clubs that defraud the paying customer are down £45+ per game per seat they will do something to address the issue. Simple to do and hits the offending club in the pocket. The only reason these seats are there is because they can get away with it.
  10. The counter to that legitimate concern from the loaning club is. It's not an If ! its a when McIvor gets injured or suspended the player is a nantural fit to play. Also we want to keep MacIvor fit so in games whens its well run there is a more than likely chance your man will come on. Not every club will have that counter turning a negative into a positive.
  11. Been looking at premier leagues young players who are likely to go out on loan who could fill the McIvor cover issue. McIvor is the one player without a close one for one cover. During the season he will get injured, suspended so its a good pitch to make that the loanee will get their chance and if you throw in the promise 'if the games won we will give him a run' One player stands out Celtics Danial Cummings. 18, similar in style and can put the ball in the net. If you don't ask you don't get.
  12. What is the problem in the background you wonder. Decent stadium, decent players on the books.
  13. Every team in the league will be running tight squads. Therefore, the more flexibility the players have to play in different positions the bigger the advantage over the season. There is only one player who we do not have a like for like replacement for the inevitable injury - suspension - McIvor. That bodes well when we go looking for either a signing or a loan player with a nod and a wink - you will get your chance. Going to be interesting on who we bring in.
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