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Everything posted by HopeStreetWalker

  1. It is a big sell to get the quality required to sign for Falkirk. Players will be reluctant to drop down a league and join a club with manager and player churn and impatient support that will turn on the team. Any signing will be a last resort and a player on the way down. Where the club should go to is the division below and get the best young part-time players ready to make the next step in their career and go full time.
  2. We need a rebuild again as the players left have proved by results they don't have it to get promotion. With the exception of Yeats if the rest were moved on it would be neither here nor there. Fitness, Will to win, Consistency, Mentality and worse of all the bottle when it mattered was just not there. These were attributes in spades that Houstie had in his teams that played to the final whistle and feared for it and we will not get out the division without these skill sets. First signing should be a leader on the park that will drive the players on the pitch. Arfield as player coach for example would fill that role.
  3. Yeats is the natural match-up with McGinn to do the legwork you talk about together with Henderson and A N Other it's the basis of a midfield unit. Whether it is good enough to get promotion is another thing.
  4. Of course there's uncertainty it can be nothing else due to the situation we are in. Good % of the squad that failed this season will be in next seasons and they ain't going to get better if anything too many are on a downward spiral and be the core of the side. The uncertainty comes from the doubt that the quality signings required ain't going to be interested mainly due to the player churn over the last 5 years. McGlynn will stay if for no other reason there is no alternative.
  5. I very much doubt you'd get any player worth his salt joining this pile of shite left from last season on a one year deal.
  6. What concerns me is that a lot of the players that were not up for it this season are signed for next season. Another year older some will be on the downward spiral to the end of their career. With regard to new signings anybody from a higher divisional team will see the club as a last resort due to our track record. Where we should be looking is the lower division for the young player doing the business who will see full-time football as a step up in their career and be motivated accordingly.
  7. Even the Ayr game was a penalty and a deflection. We faffed around in the last 1/3rd of the park and passed up chance after chance and for the 1st time is this sad season got the rub of the green.
  8. Nothing to lose but to go all out 2 - 5 - 3 and play an old fashion 100-mile hour cup tie. Pissing about for the first 15 minutes settling into the game is pointless
  9. Maybe not but we pay the service charges made by the council and you can be sure there will be healthy mark ups to cover (ahem) administration and ancillary oncosts and council staff employed, maintenance and upkeep of the building and after the 100 year lease still not own a brick.
  10. Each time we go through that cycle of manager - player clear out - signing spree - failure repeat. The less an attractive gig for Managers and players Falkirk become. At the end of the day that's the uncomfortable truth and this big club, large fan base nonsense attracting the desired quality is self-delusional. No manager, player of the quality required is going to look at us and anybody taken on will have seen the club as the last resort. Goodness knows what is going to be on the pitch next season when you have 8 - 9 of the players that failed this season still on the books.
  11. One thing at a time let's win the 1st play off first. Assuming we are already there just motivates Airdrie or Alloa.
  12. Not at all. When the stands require to be refurbished (which they will) it is reasonable that any improvements that can be made be incorporated into the work. Am not obsessed as some posters have commented. Just somebody that over 60 years has seen the club end up with not one asset they can borrow against and realize that puts the club's long-term future at risk.
  13. You make a valid point but these concerns should be able to addressed with the appropriate civil engineering. Even a cladding panel on the front edge would help with the acoustics and be a good advertising hoarding. Council must be pissing themselves laughing with a captive tenant picking up the care and maintenance over the next 100 years of their leased property with the bonus of a healthy mark up on any of their staff seconded to games and events.
  14. There is no reason for the stand roofs to be the height they are. They dissipate the crowd noise instead of amplifying it. It's not rose-tinted glasses referring to Brockville the stand and the covered terracing were an echo chamber. Hopefully when the roofs have to be replaced or refurbished (which they will) redesigning and rectifying the shortcomings on what is a badly conceived, designed and built stadium can to some degree be rectified. As for the 4th stand? Build up a rubble foundation, concrete slabbing put seats 15 - 20 rows deep and a roof over it job done and a fraction of the price of the 3-atmosphere vacuum chambers we have at present.
  15. Forget what's gone on in this or previous seasons it's pointless. What matters is the 2 hopefully 4 playoff games and that means backing the players and the manager through them, and leave the recriminations or the backslapping till it's all over. It will define whether the players have the mettle, bottle, desire, skill, will to win to get us promotion and whether they have a future at the club or not. Get promoted? then some of the squad have a future. Don't get promoted? then clear the decks because they will have shown they don't have it. If that does not motivate the players nothing will.
  16. Hope it is as plain as possible. Had a look at their website and there is only one available the rest are awful. For next season do away with the all blue strips and get back to the white shorts blue tops.
  17. That would be the prudent thing to do with fine tuning -/+% once there is certainty.
  18. Exactly! just see what happened a few months ago when the club got the budget projection wrong. Cap in hand to the supporters mid-season to save the plug from being pulled on the club. A cautious budget must be set and if there is a mid-season surplus all and good
  19. You would certainly get heart on your sleeve effort and demand nothing less from all those on the team. One of his biggest attributes has always been his attitude. Does he have the coaching badges though for a suggested player/coach role?
  20. Ouch! However if they last 2 to 3 times longer of a £400k replacement pitch then it makes financial sense
  21. Hearts hybrid Turf/Synthetic looks good. Depends on the groundwork required in the prep to change to the new technology.
  22. The players lost focus and the 2 goal lead was on their mind instead of the game. Brian Clough installed in his team focus and don't get distracted. Celebrations were short with minimal theatrics often shaking of hands and backslaps from teammates and an acknowledgment to the fans. Then back in positions, getting set and that's why Derby and Forest hardly ever lost a goal after they just scored one, often they got a second soon after the first due to this. Any thoughts on less theatrics meaning more points being an acceptable compromise the fans would accept?
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