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Everything posted by HopeStreetWalker

  1. Can't see it. If there is a change in ownership then a signed off set of accounts at the time of change has to be agreed by the buyer. Due diligence has to be carried out to ensure both parties know what they are selling and buying. Therefore the current owners have their hands tied with what can be spent. In circumstances like this nothing is spent other then minimal day to day running costs. No long term spending commitments or policy decisions will be allowed by the prospective new owners.
  2. Club Statement. Lot of words that say nothing new. If anything it just asks more questions about the clubs direction. Changes in management ? for example. Rumour mill activated !
  3. There will be no financial commitments until there are new owners. If you are selling up you have as clean a balance sheet as possible, and that means no budget. New owners announced, then signings in that order. Forget McKinnon's 2 year squad for the premier league, it's a fantasy our opposition are signing players now. Horses for courses to battle our way out the league with what will be available. We are where we are because we deserve to be. Every team we play should be treated with respect. If we don't and turn up as a team and support thinking we can win by just going through the motions, then we are in for a rude awakening.
  4. Whoever is the new owner there can only be one question. Why ? They must have a business plan so it contributes to their balance sheet. That has to be laid out to the fan's or forget goodwill. Hopefully something along the lines of. Completing the stadium with a hotel/stand. Buying out the other part owners of Westfield. Getting it working 7 days a week to not only earn its keep but contribute to the squad. Present a 3, 5,10 year business plan with KPI's to ensure success. Importantly how much of any profits do they intend to take out the club.
  5. Whatever they do they must ask Sajid first #PermissionFromSajid
  6. It's a reality check. The club are no longer a credible place for players to relaunch their career. In the position we find ourselves with League, Ownership and Youth development would the likes of the next Will Vaulks knock on our door ? Of course not, there are better options out there. There should be a plan in place by now to get us out of the division we find ourselves in. It's a disgrace and an insult to the support that the owners have not been forthcoming with anything. Some basic information is all that is asked for. Squad size. Ownership update. McKinnon's position. They must have some idea, if they don't then we are in a bigger mess than we think.
  7. But it will be the squad budget that is the deciding factor. The club is up for sale, therefore the owners are not going to commit to funds for next season since that would come off what they would get for selling out. Factor in the fact that Income will be down and by a lot. Entry prices, Support, Sponsorship, Hospitality will all show a drop in income. We will be lucky if we can match or better these clubs wages you mention.
  8. But the Board have not announced the budget for the playing squad. They are not doing that because they are selling up and don't want to have such a commitment on their books which would lower the selling price. Don't think we are going to have the financial advantage a lot of people think we will with Gate prices down. Sponsorship down. Hospitality down. Crowds down.
  9. Money is important but just as important is the short playing career of 8- 12 years 4 - 5 years at your peak if you are lucky. Players want to play at the highest level they can, be challenged and become better players because of that. We have to realise Falkirk will be well down the list of players looking for a club, simply we are not an attractive club to sign for any more. The days of Will Vaulks knocking on our door because of the clubs name are gone and unlikely to come back anytime soon. Reality check. We need a few old pros. Take a chance on some players coming back from injury Rory Loy was a good example. Some grafters and throw in Laverty and Dunne. Squad of 17-18 get promoted and then take stock of what we have. If we have 5 -7 that are going to be good enough to challenge for the premier league we will have done well.
  10. The owners of the club are selling it. It is more marketable the cleaner the balance sheet is. Therefore there will be no commitment of funds for next season or how many people are going to be employed until it is sorted out, McKinnon does not know the squad budget therefore no signings or updates on the website.
  11. We blew it when we sold Brockville without such long term business plan, options available. The council rather than helping bought into a cut of the income with the new stadium with none of the commercial effort to make it pay. The council to be fair played a blinder on this and it's a win win as far as they are concerned. Falkirk get into the financial mess they are charging into. Desperate for cash they could well sell there share in the stadium for a cash injection to stay afloat. Then Falkirk Football Club are left renting a stadium with no assets and therefore worthless to any buyer.
  12. For diddies winning the Scottish cup. Owning the stadium outright. Being a fixture in the premier league. Having a stadium that covers its costs every week and contributes to team funds with business bookings and funeral teas. 2 Million in the bank for a rainy day fund. All done with crowds below Falkirk being a division lower. Lot to admire about St Johnstone.
  13. John Prentice designed it in his first spell as Falkirk Manager so there is a case for having the new crest in particular since it came from our Cup winning captain. Just my opinion on using original crest. If we keep the new one so be it.
  14. Always wanted the club to revert to the original crest. Highlander with sword and shield it's part of our history. Was on out cup winning strip and in a stained glass window above the main entrance to Brockville. Yes or No folks ?
  15. The threat to our existence may not happen. But there is a very good chance of a repeat of the mid 1970's. 4 or 5 full timers rest part time, fewer fans turning up with fighting relegation a yearly misery. Avoiding relegation was a good season, if you did not experience it you are fortunate indeed.
  16. There will be no movement budget wise or on signings until ownership is sorted out. The seller will want as clean a balance sheet as possible with no funds allocated tying the hands of the new owners. Fear it could be Deja Vu with a flurry of last minute dross signing nobody else wanted. Hope I am wrong.
  17. That's the rub ! FFC don't own the stadium we are just part owners. That's why I opposed selling Brockville and not owning the new stadium outright. We have no assets and are more or less worthless. If new owners come in it is most likely for the stadium/land and then buying out the other partners. We are kidding ourselves to think otherwise.
  18. Tragic case of what if ! He had the potential to play at the top level, had everything build, strength, pace and the skill.
  19. The best example of ownership and one FFC should be looking at is how St Johnstone went about their business. Benign dictatorship by a fan and astute businessman and in their case Brown. Land gifted to the club to build a stadium and clear their debt. Stadiums main stand built with the purpose of earning money for the club. Funeral teas , Wedding receptions , Business conferences etc not only covers the costs but puts funds in week on week , month on month , year on year. One of their fans posted here they had 2 million quid in the bank as a rainy day fund so it works. We of course blew it big time by not being the owners of the new stadium outright. So the dream scenario is. Multi millionaire Falkirk fan takes over. Buys out the other part owners of the stadium and remodel the ground to give that atmosphere vacuum a bit of life. Bit of imagination in seating arrangements such as top rows of seating closed off to match anticipated crowd. Build 4th stand incorporating an inside pitch compliant with academy specifications, swimming pool , sauna , squash courts, sports halls for 5 a side , badminton , tennis etc. Tag on a hotel even better. The alternative is we sell out to some company and we will be no more than a line on a balance sheet with shareholders wanting a dividend every year and if that means borrowing money that's what they will do. The very future of the club is at stake in the next few weeks.
  20. Suspect the financial tap is turned off until ownership is sorted out. The outgoing board will want a clean a balance sheet as possible and minimum funds committed. The last thing we require is a repeat of the last few years when signings are made 2 to 3 weeks before kick off. Beginning to think this will be the case again this coming season. This is an opportunity for Mutch , Laverty and Dunne as young players to establish themselves in the team. If they cannot do it now then let them go and get a chance elsewhere.
  21. It's an opportunity for Laverty and Dunne next season. They are the players on the books what should be flying early on to make the attacking positions their own. As for our style next season, it all depends on who is willing to sign for us. Don't think this 2 year plan for the premiership with signings to take us there is realistic. Horses for courses to battle our way to promotion first, take stock. Then if lucky there could be a core of 6 - 7 players that have improved to build a side for the season after. That's the target Laverty and Dunne should be aiming for.
  22. Resistance if futile ! You will be escorted to sector 001 Westfield Stadium Falkirk where you will be assimilated into the collective.
  23. The money bit comes with having certainty and that depends on a settled structure running the club.
  24. This 2 year plan spoken about with the signings hoped for in the next few weeks being good enough or the potential to be good enough to challenge for the SPL is a big ask. Players have short footballing careers 10 - 12 years at the best. Those that are available will want to sign for clubs at the highest level where they will get a regular game. 2 seasons in the lower divisions with no guarantee of promotion is going to put them off. So for the 2 year plan to work it's a mixture of astute signings with a point to prove, players wanting a comeback from injury, some old hands and if we are lucky a troubled genius that get's us on our feet when he gets the ball. That job can only start when the club is settled and can give certainty in the marketplace.
  25. If as has been posted the Board read this forum then this is for you. Give the fans a timeline and what will be done and when therefore keeping them informed. Future club ownership. When will the budget for next season be announced. When will there be signings. If you don't know say so. Until then the rumour factory will be churning out wish lists and gossip.
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