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Everything posted by falkirkzombie

  1. the manager won't know or care where the money is coming from, the club had some cash in the bank, money from 2000 season ticket sales and the vaulks money, i find it very hard to believe that any of the MSG put their hand in their pocket to boost the budget, they haven't in nearly a decade, why would they start now?....your right though this does need to be clarified on Friday.
  2. what else do we have to say this is true apart from their words in a statement
  3. If only a group of organised people had raised 800k to hand over to the club.[emoji848]
  4. He looks and sounds like Blair Alstons evil twin.
  5. Lex must be doing some blabbing in there, think we have known about every single signing before they are announced.
  6. i would centently agree with this 'online views' are without a doubt those who shout the loudest. When i speak to my Dad/Uncle, who aren't on twitter and don't read stuff on here, their view are definitely softened, they still want a change in ownership but see it as secondary to going to watch their team and having a few drinks pre/post match. I myself certainly wasn't shouting for a change until the last 12 months or so, the backtracking from what was agreed at the AGM was what done it for me and now Lex is running the show things seem to have got worse.
  7. hes defo a better center back that RB, would have been happy for him to stay............f**king hell just remembered Hartley playing him LB at the start of last season.
  8. if Ineos blows up, I would say Starks park will be in the blast zone
  9. I think it will be quite noticable in the comming months the usual local companies (who are also patrions) wont be doin there 2/3 match/ball sponcership days a year.
  10. It was quite noticable that the match sponcer for Sat game was phoeinx drilling ( livingstons main sponcer), i think the commercical team might be aleady having trouble shifting hospitality, how was the brockville lounge on sat? Busy?
  11. Lex will be looking for a cut, sure the boy Mcbride is Dunnes agent. (Lex ,Mcbride and Dunnes father all all friends)
  12. i think he pretty much is chairman ATM, certainly acting as if he is.
  13. i can't see any signing being a surprise TBH, everybody has known about each signing before they signed, club very leaky this summer.
  14. ur hearing ur own ITK is a lot of pish?......did yourself tell you that?
  15. "Miller GTF Miller Miller GTF".....................ah, can hear it already
  16. Lex making an arse of player recuitment...shocked. Goni me a bit of a beamer if we cant fill our bench on Sat.
  17. meet him up Falkirk town one night, he was a thoroughly nice guy.
  18. the scheme proposed was kind of a mix between models, the current major shareholders would have still controlled around 30% of the club (62% ATM). their major problem seem to be giving up control, i think they actually thought we would hand over 800k and let them spend it.
  19. it will certainly be lively, i'm going and looking forward to watch them squirm, the main question they have to answer is why the have not followed through on the instruction from the shareholders last December to back the BtB scheme.
  20. Thats a f**king wierd way to set up thoes players IMO
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