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Posts posted by Waniche

  1. 3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    Old age catching up on me (or maybe the El Dorado) but remind me ??

    “El dorado”.....now that’s funny. My favourites of this generation are “let’s all have a disco”, “shoes aff”...think that was started in the SRE by Feyenoord fans and being 3-0 down at firhill and singing “let’s pretend we scored a goal” (all Ayr fans went mental thanks to Ciar)

  2. 5 hours ago, Roxanne's man said:

    To be fair, Mickey Donald has moved to America, makes a shit load of money as Head coach for Florida F. C. Gets holidays all over the place for hee haw and is basically raking it in (His father is my neighbour and tells me so.) 

    Being a good coach doesn’t have anything to do with the type of player you are/were. Many good coaches havn’t played at any level. Good luck to him anyway, nice bloke. 

  3. 1 hour ago, edinburghhonestman said:

    Yeah - guy was scouting for Preston.   Thought that Shankland owed a lot to the players around him, Guess he didn't see him often enough.  Also thought McDaid was better on the right than the left.

    The guy ‘scouting’ for Preston, if it’s the same one that was at the Airdrie game,  then it’s the same one that tipped Mickey Donald to be ‘a player’ and go on and do big things down south lol. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, mozam76 said:

    Fantastic win for you guys the day - best of luck for the coming season. Have always liked the cut of McCalls jib, and in Lawrence Shankland you might just have the divisions top striker.

    Wee question - I was driving in Edinburgh on the way home from work on Thursday, through Granton beside Javits takeaway, and passed the most bizarre sight; what appeared to be a wee auld silver haired dude on a mobility scooter, which had a number plate on the back saying "SUPERAYR1" or "AYRUNITED1", and a flag that looked like a skull and crossbones or somesuch.

    Reading that back I'm aware that I sound bombed tae f**k, but I swear I saw this. Anyone ken who this auld timer was? Love seeing huge displays of affection for the provincial clubs and this one made me smile.

    Nice post. Think you are right. vaguely remember an old war vet that lived at at the military hospital at Gilmerton with a ‘superayr1’ plate on his mobility scooter. However Granton is quite a distance from there.....well unless he was lost. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Hawk89 said:

    Most Ayr United thing possible, wouldn't have wanted it to happen any other way. 

    From the little Doohan had to do today I was very impressed with his calls into action. Must have a decent level of concentration, great distribution and a very good command of his box. 
    On his busier days he's going to be an amazing asset to the club.

    Fantastic post. Glad to see more constructive positivity. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, rb123! said:

    Missed the game but good result today with a good performance, can't wait to the see the highlights. Good time to play Thistle with them being a shitshow currently but next week away to Inverness will be a real test and indicator of where abouts and who we can compete against in this league.

    Off the pitch Shankland said enough to just about reassure me that he'll stay and phenomenal achievement for the club to have sold 1,000 season tickets, thought the club were bonkers the other day still trying to get 1,000 season tickets for today, anyone know when we last sold that many? My guess would be early 2000's so probably near 15 years or there about.

    Exactly. We need to encourage more back. They are and believe me more are coming out the woodwork because of the buzz.

    We have to however be realistic and it’s a marathon not a sprint. 

  7. Just now, Mgc1910 said:

    Because he wants to further his career, win trophies, get paid more and score a hat-trick for Scotland in the World Cup final? All players are for sale, that’s the hard reality I’m afraid.  

    True. However he’s an Ayr United player until May 2019 unless stupid money is offered. 

    It’s not a hard reality, what you’ve said is what happens. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Superhursy7 said:

    English transfer window closes on thursday I can't see Shankland moving to another Scottish club outwith the ugly sisters, my fear is Jack Ross is looking for a striker at Sunderland hope he keeps his grubby hand's off.

    There’s a lot of shite being sprouted about mate. I even heard some crap if Lafferty goes to Castle Greyskull for £200k then sharts will put a bid in. Why on earth would a player enjoying his football, spending time with a team that want him and full of comitment leave? 

    We just need to enjoy the moment! 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Superhursy7 said:

    Might be a stupid question but why has big Jamie been playing canter mid most of his career he has been outstanding everytime I have seen him at canter back.

    “Canter back” lol. He’s a solid, doesn’t take any shenanigans player. Think playing in midfield utilised more defensively in breaking up and stopping play so makes sense moving him back. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Roxanne's man said:

    Moffat, a good player no doubt, kept running the ball in circles and giving the ball away. He looked tired towards the end and I'd have swapped him. A few years back, he'd have put them away. 

    I understand he's holding the ball up, Forrest could have scored a belter playing off him. I'm not slating moff, I just think he's more suited to finding the net than holding the ball. 

    Mate, you are digging a hole. Don’t you think the point is for him to ‘hold the ball’ and playing the position for other players to play off him? 

    Cant you just be happy? 

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