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Posts posted by FraserDFC

  1. Some comments on that Facebook page really baffle me. I tend to stay off it as it really makes me question the sanity of posters when they post such ludicrous statements (hello Mr Flannery). It also genuinely stuns me that there is an element of support that still somehow have an allegiance or loyalty to Aitken, wake up and smell the coffee, he is the major contributing factor as to why we are in this mess.

    As for Dowie leaving, part of me was slightly saddened as I like the big man, he was a top player for us last season but I’m afraid this season he has been well below par and maybe it is time right enough to pursue another career out-with football. I also don’t believe that he would have ‘ bailed’ as Flannery described it had we not had an adequate replacement in the pipeline.

    Interesting times ahead.




  2. I understand the Gallagher criticism to an extent, he does miss plenty of chances, and he never looks like he has control of the ball. What I would say is that, of the however many strikers we've had this season, he's looked the best. Not that that's saying much mind you. I'd love Beany to be our main man again, just like everyone else who is around my age. But lets look at it on a basic level, yes he does plenty of running, yes his movement's good, but he's scored once in the league in almost a calendar year. He's been worse in front of goal than Gallagher and, before his injury, was passing up a sitter almost every week. When he was starting every week fans were critical of him - not as much as last season, but there was still a general consensus that he shouldn't really be a starter for us.

    Loy should've been the answer to our striking prayers, and I'd love him to come good. There's an excellent player in there, just hidden by a few years of shattered confidence. Again though when he started he missed some sitters and was roundly slated.

    Basically the point I'm making is that, whoever starts up front for us, is almost always slated, and fans consider there to be better options in reserve. 

    Unless either Loy or Beany seriously up their game when they return from injury I'd expect Gallagher to keep his spot. The only way that would change would be if we signed a forward who could score goals, work hard and hold play up (hiya Robert, hiya pal).


    All about opinions, obviously Gallagher has scored more than Beany but I really believe that he contributes more in terms of his all round game, he is a very intelligent player that is good on the ball, draws fouls and drags defenders everywhere.

    I think if he got off the mark prior to his injury and didn’t get injured he would have got another few.

    Obviously his goal scoring record has not been up to scratch since he has returned but I think it’s important to remember that the majority of this time was under extremely defensive tactics, last year he also wasn’t as fit and sharp looking as he was at the start of the current campaign.

    Loy has been a massive disappointment, a player that like most I was buzzing about us signing, obviously it’s unfortunate he has spent most of this season on the sideline but it just hasn’t helped our cause at all.

    Come home Robert Thomson ( v unlikely [emoji24])


  3. Callum Gallagher isn’t good enough for us. Runs about a bit, has zero quality, he’s not strong, or fast, his Finishing is very poor (Most goals are scrappy).    



    I agree with this wholeheartedly. I have never really rated Gallagher from the start, I was initially quite excited by his signing as he was given some good press by a few of my St Mirren supporting mates. It seems whenever we could do with a bit of pressure coming off us and we play the ball up to him and he can’t seem to control or even make the simplest ball stick to hold up play ( like a half decent striker would) and get us up the park. No aerial presence, lack of physical strength, and in all honesty there has been a fair few chances he has had that are simply ‘bread and butter’ to a striker and he hasn’t converted, granted he has scored a few but at the end of the day it is a law of averages that the amount of chances we create someone has got to at least put a few in the net. Would rather have a fit beanie over Gallagher up top every day of the week. His intelligence, runs off the ball and general technical ability are far superior and although his goal scoring record may not be as high this season I feel his contribution to the team would be far more positive.   


  4. Hope the rumours surrounding Beanie potentially returning are true, was a good player for us and always a thorn in any side we came up against following his years at the sons. He was my favourite player back in the 2003/04 days when I was a wee boy so it would be great to have him on board again. I still think he would do a job for us as he will be keeping himself fit and has a natural eye for goal.

    If Beanie and Stirling return it really could give us the lift we desperately need. Fingers crossed.

  5. Shameful stuff from the ' fans ' that complained about the drum. Even more shameful that a Dumbarton official wanted the drum confiscated. We should be encouraging young lads to come to games with our ever ageing fan base. It seems the club are doing their best to distance themselves even further from the local community.

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