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Mr Positive, sometimes.

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Everything posted by Mr Positive, sometimes.

  1. More environmentally friendly too. Might be something to work towards though in future. Not long now ladies and Gentlemen. We'll be back at games on Saturdays soon
  2. McAllister moved on to free up wages for Guy at St. Mirren. Can see it now.
  3. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/19448624.ex-st-johnstone-striker-guy-melamed-return-scotland-turning-two-israeli-offers/?s=09 No matter where he goes it's another 2 months of the season for him to get up to pace as he's been without a club and hasn't had a proper pre season.
  4. Didn't think the whereaboutary in Scottish football could get any worse during these covid period after the Hearts debacle. Old Firm fans on twitter have taken it to the next level greeting about how many fans they're allowed at bloody pre season friendlies
  5. Season ticket holders only I presume still though. From what I've read on here Saint's are looking for circa 2400. Which I've presumed is the season ticket numbers. Hopefully away fans are allowed from 9th Aug though Just as a bit of a tangent thinking about the face mask rules... Presumably they'll still be required when in public indoor spaces. I imagine that would mean then table service would be required in pubs etc. No Muirton Suite?
  6. They definitely would have pulled the games If they didnt allow fans. Dublin and Bilbao both lost their games for that reason. Agree with @RandomGuy. is saying re why they allowed it. You dont have to approve/agree with the reasoning but thats definitely why they allowed it. Not allowing huge numbers into friendlies right now is almost irrelevant as well. While we pretty much all want as many fans as possible back it doesnt make much sense to allow loads of fans to meaningless games which is out of step with the restrictions lifting nationally for what is a glorified training game. European games & league games should be target for me. Clubs should be allowed to keep increasing their numbers as the friendlies progress as well as they continue to prove they can jump through the hundreds of hoops. Its not just "but thats only 5% capacity and hAmPdEn HaD 12,000" its also about can the club be in control and manage the numbers they're allowed. Saints had 1000 last night and while I dont believe there was problems at the game whatsoever there was problems getting tickets out to people etc and even at 5pm yesterday people hadn't received a ticket for entry which would have been unmanageable teething problems if they were allowed loads more. Once "most of the legal restrictions" are removed then we'll all be able to act like big bairns again and hug each other when we score etc!
  7. I wish I could breeze through life living on whatever delusional planet they're living on. Sometimes football fans are a funny bunch eh!
  8. YouTube montage of some James Scott goals Link above for those interested in who he is ^
  9. The idea of peak MOH next season is gonna keep we awake tonight
  10. Also fingers crossed for the 2nd league at home for the Europa League qualifier as well.
  11. That's it really. They've got to turn it around ahead of Saturday and sort tickets for those who miss out tonight. They've basically got 2 days to do that...
  12. That's exactly how I feel about it but not bothered expressing it. It's a friendly so meh not going to bother. It just goes in one ear and out the other anyway. If I was asked to go at half 5 or whatever time it is even if I had a ticket I would be sacking it as well. Would have been significantly easier for them to sort out as well. No nonsense ballots etc. That's what happens when the vast majority of the media team are unpaid school kids. I do wonder if the site requires paying supplier for updates or lacking in time/IT skills to update in house. Just speculating though.
  13. It'll get even more pointless when at full time everyone gets up and leaves on mass.
  14. If I was in that row N-Z category on a Tuesday night I'd not be going. I'm. It going anyway though. I really hope those kind of times and rules don't continue for long. All good and well in July. Not viable when it's not so warm. @RandomGuy. Think kiosks are open btw.
  15. Can't see it being the old strip. Where have the matching shorts came from?
  16. Looks quite navy? I like the look of it though from that distant fuzzy photo I seen!
  17. she'll be round his house sticking the nut on him if he doesn't watch out.
  18. I sorta realised my post above doesn't answer either way though. Some say aye some say naw. I'm not going either.
  19. Someone said on here it will be but i've seen people saying on facebook that its not being streamed...
  20. Wishful thinking. Only a thousand allowed to attend on Tuesday though.
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