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Everything posted by TheProgressiveLiberal

  1. Because the Confederate flag represents an ethnic group, Southern white people. That doesn't mean it doesn't have various political meanings as well. All flags do. I'd argue the Nazi flag is purely political. You can't argue it also represents the German people. Maybe a good comp for the Confederate flag is like that Northern Ireland flag. Not quite sure if that's right, but it seems comparable. If the Confederate flag was forgotten until the Civil Rights movement, why was this made the Flag of Mississippi in 1894?
  2. There are flags that represent a group of people. The Confederate flag falls into that category, like the Scottish flag. These flags can also have ideological meaning, but that's not the primary purpose. Flags like the Nazi flag or the Red Communist flags or the Gadsen US flag are more pure ideological.
  3. Checking in with the Progressive Liberal at Dukes Fest, a Dukes of Hazzard themed festival in Virginia. I'd appreciate it if people would try to comprehend what I'm saying. I think I was pretty clear. A false flag is a set up and fake, correct? This really happened, but it was not organic. There's no other explanation for what happened then that the Democrat politicians wanted there to be a violent confrontation between people waving Nazi flags and counter protestors. Interestingly, the ratio of blacks to whites lynched in the South isn't that far off the current black to white prisoner ratio in the same states.
  4. Large scale immigration has the net effect of decreasing freedom and opportunity for people currently in the US. I'm not a pure libertarian. For instance, I don't believe in service fees being the only funding for government or no social safety net or nonsense like that. There's no reason I can't take an other than pure zero government position on certain social issues as well. The Klan at it's peak (the so-called 2nd Klan) was mostly about stopping Catholic immigration rather than issues with black Americans and was actually most popular in Midwestern states. Doubt there's any correlation between the 2nd Klan and Confederate monuments.
  5. Certainly there was an uptick in Confederate iconography when the Civil Rights era was getting going, and the two were related. I think looking for correlations beyond that is a bit of a stretch. 1900-1920 would be when the last of the soldiers would have been dying out and when the first generation who didn't experience the horror of the war directly as children would have been taking power. It makes sense that some combination of honoring the dying generation and the nostalgic view that come sometimes accompany thoughts on a war from people who didn't have to experience it first hand would explain the first big jump.
  6. Sure, if you want to have a massive negative effect on society as a whole because you can't stand the fact that 10,000 people in your country believe something that 99.9% of people think is dumb. Seems like a bad tradeoff. Call me when Nazis reach .02% of the population and we can revisit this discussion.
  7. I am for putting him in jail. I have no problem with the government goading crazy folks to see if they will actually try and go through with a terrorist attack. He did. I'm against Nazis. I just think that radical Islam is a far, far more pressing problem. Nazis barely exist in the USA or the UK. They are the boogeyman meant to help get the left wing base out to vote. Politics theses days is more about making sure your people turn up rather than convincing people to change their perspective. That's why the Democrats in power in Virginia wanted this confrontation to happen and made sure that it did happen. 2017 UK General election: British National Party - 4,580 votes Wiki tells me there were 167K in the "other parties" category. I'll assume some of those were for fascist parties. Probably somewhere around .01% overall I assume. Same in the US Presidential election. Nazis are a complete yawn.
  8. There's a popular myth that only 3% of American colonists actually took up arms against the British government. They are generally ex-military people who keep training as a hobby in case they ever need to fight against a totalitarian US government. If you're ever in the US and you see this symbol on somebody's truck or clothing they are involved.
  9. I think Enoch Powell had some words at one point on this topic. People should be held responsible for who they assemble with politically to a certain extent. If I was attending an event and saw Nazi flags or European fascist iconography I'm turning around. Any right winger who doesn't deserves whatever judgement they get for their associations. I hold all people to that same standard. If you share a protest with masked people creating violence or people waving Soviet flags then I'm going to judge you as a totalitarian who supports political violence. I'm so sick of hear the phrase "peaceful protest which turned violent" when literally 100% of people in the world knew that a particular protest was going to turn violent. You're responsible for the company to keep to a certain extent.
  10. It's not really about whether the end result is happier for the couple. You may be right. Long term cousin marriage lowers IQ, with all that means for society. It also results in clannish societal organization and destroys any notion of gender equality in most societies where's it practiced. The West hit on the a pretty good societal organization for individual freedom to flourish, strong nuclear families, strong national bonds, weak tribal bonds inbetween. I will say it's really strange how must hostility my thoughts that it would be better for British society if more Pakistanis married British people, or at least British born Pakistanis. That seems like a no brainer. I'd also like to point out to the people who are acting flabbergasted by my position on immigration and integration, I'm far closer to the mainstream than anybody else here on that topic. Get out and talk to people. Or at least educate yourself about the opinions held by your fellow citizens. Ok, I'm 100% sure if you look around you can find several wierdos associated with 3%ers, but this is just embarrassing. Don't you know to double check sources like Mother Jones before posting with a quick Google search? He's a member of a Facebook group and told undercover federal agents that he agrees with 3%er ideology. Lol.
  11. Maybe I am being tedious responding to everyone who comments towards me. But I would check in on a couple pages of this thread once a week awhile back and it was nothing more than a circle jerk along with the occasional obvious misinformation that would never be challenged.
  12. Nobody's forcing anybody to use any toilet. It's not libertarian for the government to be regulating toilet use, which is what the left wants. Lots of people throughout history has commented that a free society sometimes requires people to be self regulating in some instances. Mores regarding family formation is a giant issue which affects what they of society we have. Arranged marriage to cousins that you've never met from halfway around the world is not the type of behavior that leads to a free and open society. I didn't mean to delete any post if I did. I will own that comment. It is correct. Nobody's saying Nazis are better than radical Islamists. However, one is at least partially a foreign problem that can be dealt with in a different manner.
  13. I read a statistic awhile back regarding Pakistani marriage in Britain. I can't remember the exact number, but a huge amount of even 4th generation British Pakistanis take wives from Pakistan. Now, do you agree that your country has problems regarding the integration of this community into wider British society? Don't you think it would help if there was more intermarriage or at least British Pakistanis marrying British Pakistanis? I think that would be a major step forward and solve a lot of the problems in the long term.
  14. To me it shows a man worthy of his position as a law enforcement agent. He's blindly enforcing the law and protecting the constitutional rights of American citizens rather than worrying about his own feelings or what people on the internet will say.
  15. Japan doesn't have a problem with Islamic radicalism. Of course we are going to have to deal with the issue because of our past immigration history, but they way forward isn't the way we've been going. The US basically banned Catholic, Orthodox, and Jewish immigration for over 40 years because of the extreme social problems it was causing. Rather than making the problems worse it gave those groups time to assimilate into our society and become real "Americans." It was a great success.
  16. Stop immigration. When you are in a hole, stop digging. Assimilationist policies from the government such as jail time for arranged marriages, English immersion in schools, policies which seek to break up ethnic ghettos. Extreme sentences for crime influenced by radical Islamic ideology, the same way we have escalators for hate crimes.
  17. We could avoid the problems of Islamic radicalism if we had a sensible immigration policy to prevent radical foreign ideologies from entering our countries. It's not a problem we have to deal with in our society unless we choose to import it. Nazis are a fact of life in the West. Both are terrible, but the solution to dealing with them are different. Immigration restriction is the best way of dealing with Islamic radicalism. Hard nosed law and order for when they step an inch out of line is the best way to deal with Nazis.
  18. Did a quick Google search. A panel of attorneys commissioned by NYC in 2003 concluded that they were most likely involved in attacking the women, but were not involved in the rape. The boys had been attacking people in the park that night. The original prosecutor also still believes the boys were guilty. It's not like Trump's alone.
  19. Churchill wanted to fight an election on keeping all non-white immigrants out of Britain. Roosevelt presided over an immigration system that basically said only European Protestants could move here. The system was a decade old when he took office, but he did nothing to change it despite overwhelming majorities in Congress. Eisenhower launched Operation Wetback when he was President. Over 1 million Mexicans were captured and deported in a year. Over a million more fled back to Mexico. I'm just point out the positions of the people who actually fought fascists. So it seem a bit odd to use the men who fought against Germany as a proxy for modern progressive arguments. Just going by the flags they're constantly flying. At the Trump rally I attended, one of the disrupters thrown out was waving a Soviet Union flag. All the pictures I see where Antifa and BLM are attacking Trump rallies they are flying Communist flags.
  20. The difference is that one is a foreign ideology and one is a domestic ideology. We have to deal with the second. We only have to deal with the first if we import people who believe it. The second difference is that percentages of white Americans or British who are hard right or support Nazi parties vs the percentages of Muslims who are Islamists or support Islamic law.
  21. I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the Antifa people who shut down the Nazi rally. There were Soviet Union, Chinese, and other red flags all over the place. That's what those people were choosing to represent themselves as. Sorry, if they think that the Soviet Union and Communist China are countries worth emulating then they are just as bad as the Nazis. Didn't the evidence show that she was raped by multiple guys, but they managed to get one guy to take the fall years later? I can't remember exactly, but I did read somewhere once that plenty of people involved in the case think that they were guilty. That it wasn't an open and shut false conviction.
  22. Here's the perfect example of what I'm talking about. PBS profiles anti-Trump people in Buckhannon, WV and Trump supporters in Portland, OR. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/features/trump-west-virginia/ People do burnouts in the pickup trucks flying the American flag near where the anti-Trump protest is going on. The protestors were enveloped by black smoke from the truck pipes and some were hit with pebbles. One is allowed to go into school and give her opinions. The kids are prepared and argue back. She cries afterwards. This is the worst that happens to left wing protesters in the so-called "Trumpiest place in America." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/features/trump-supporters-portland/ Trump supporters are attacked with bricks and mace at pro-Trump events. Families beg Trump supporters not to go. Trump supporters worry about getting fired from their jobs for attending rallies. The local government tries to get permits for pro-Trump rallies revoked. Police have to deploy rubber bullets to disperse violent leftists before a couple of old ladies can speak.
  23. ACLU Virginia executive director: "I was there and brought concerns directly to the secretary of public safety and the head of the Virginia State Police about the way the barricades in the park limiting access by the arriving demonstrators and the lack of any physical separation of the protesters and counter-protesters on the street were contributing to the potential for violence. They did not respond. In fact, law enforcement was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an unlawful assembly."
  24. I was referring more to a general culture of political violence, more than a body count which is just a handful on both sides. Certainly the commies have a mass lead in property damage and assaults over the past couple of years.
  25. I feel I made a fair point, though. It's a bit ridiculous to use WWII soldiers in an argument for modern progressive politics.
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