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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. I'd be astonished if the manager is not found to be a raging *** bigot. You can tell if it's the same person by looking at their eyes and shape of face. I also guess the same ID has worked for her elsewhere. Also it's a shitey pub she is trying to get into, not Faslane.
  2. I avoid; Facebook 'cause I'm not a middle aged housewife. Twitter 'cause it is the cesspool of humanity. Ryanair and Easyjet because the flights are hoaching with neds. Android phones because I'm not a middle aged man.
  3. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/its-taps-aff-weather-scot-22621783 Taps aff is up there with sesh for things only p***ks say.
  4. We don't have anyone else. We've seen some complete diddies come from the English Championship to play for Scotland. Chris Martin, Iwelumo, Jordan Rhodes, Oliver Burke, Callum Paterson to name a few. I'd put Dykes alongside them. If strong, non-scoring strikers who could rummel up defenders was a good attribute in international football then we'd be set.
  5. It sounds like Messi will finish his career at NYCFC.
  6. Some good news. The pandemic might help prevent people getting Gonorrhea. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-54011133 It's safe to say that Gonorrhea carriers and Brexit voters are one and the same.
  7. I don't mind using pasta straws for water but I'm sure it changes the taste of beer.
  8. It's good but the tattoo story is better tbh.
  9. There are a few sports where the game is unoffensive but the players are complete arseholes to a man. Golf is one of these sports. Skiing and snowboarding are two other examples. Anything that is heavily white and middle class.
  10. That reads like he’s using ‘Scottish’ as a slur.
  11. I get you, brother. I fell the same a couple of times. It's my bad knee.
  12. Duffy is a good signing. Never mind just Celtic, he is probably a better athlete than the whole of Scotland put together. He will rag doll strikers for fun up here.
  13. This level of consumerism and consumption isn’t sustainable and humans will eventually suffer for it. I’ll be dead by then so I’m not giving a f**k.
  14. This is wise. Why does an egg taste differently from chicken?
  15. A goal kick in junior football is more exciting that F1. Mostly cause F1 is rancid shite but also for the fact the goal kick could go anywhere.
  16. I would say I'm at least a little skeptical of the gloom and doom predictions on the climate. Britain was meant to be a barren desert/winter wasteland by now. I am all for measures to get rid of single use plastic that ends up in the sea and having less air pollution though.
  17. I lost one of my Airpods and now I am having to use the corded earphones like I'm in the Vietcong.
  18. The classic Christmas Tree Champ Manager formation here. I like it.
  19. Having a place where they can all congregate instead of the Labour party may be a good thing. It might allow Labour to become electable.
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