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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. I doubt many countries could match Britain for underage bing drinkers. We might not be good at sport or great thinkers but we can drink.
  2. You’d think for having a bank account of the UAE that Man City would have better players. Galacticos they are not.
  3. Only in the #Barclays would you see such #drama.
  4. What was the season Rangers got 4 penalties against St Mirren? Each one was a worst decision than the last.
  5. Labour now leading in the polls just shows that they should have binned toxic Corbyn years ago. Unfortunately there are still people who pine for his socialist madnesses.
  6. It hit the boy’s arm. Yer Barclays is pish m8.
  7. There will come a point where the media can not longer blame Johnny Foreigner for Lampard’s short comings.
  8. Tammy Abraham, Reese James and Mason Mount are hot gash.
  9. Tommy Wright used to get his best players from the vanarama leagues. What happened to that?
  10. What makes it worse is that you had to sign up for it. She volunteered knowing that she had no intention of doing the steps.
  11. I’m not sure if she’s allowed conjugal visits- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-52965672
  12. Work has been trying to get people more active during the work from home period. They’ve incentivised it and the team that records the most number of steps over the month of September wins prizes. One of these prizes is a Peloton bike. A woman in my team has done an average of under 300 steps per day. She must be a slug and move from bed to her desk, to the couch and back to bed.
  13. I’ve only been into an Aldi once. There was a shoe next to a 7p can of spaghetti next to a weird German Christmas cake and I couldn’t find any decent vegetables. That was enough for me.
  14. Any adult watching Britain's Got Talent is OFTW.
  15. I’ve got more respect for someone being a yoon cause they’re a *** than someone believing Gordon Broon and the Daily Record.
  16. Now that Corbyn is gone what Labour leader will get billionaires Mike Ashley, Branson and Dyson to give me money so I can sit in my mother’s basement and play football manager?
  17. 42 complaints. It must be a slow news day. I’m more offended by Frankie Boyle. He is a heaving sack of shite.
  18. I expected currywurst to be an Indian-German gastronomic sensation. Disappointed it’s just a sausage with ketchup and curry powder.
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