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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Ah you saw through my joke. You're definitely one of the smart ones.
  2. Covid-19 is nature's way of determining who is smart and who can't understand simple instructions.
  3. Germany has a better healthcare system than the NHS. All we have is 1966 and 2 World Wars.
  4. Shame. Coronavirus would have been a good way to get rid of a lot of you.
  5. London. Cyclists and joggers are selfish c***s even in a global crisis.
  6. It's bold of the BBC to use this picture on an report about the PM asking people not to visit on Mother's Day, and follow social distancing guidelines.
  7. The gap between the 20 and 50 labels is bigger than the gap between 2000 and 5000. I'm sure I've seen this guy's work before -
  8. People under quarantine in their homes are relying on Amazon for supplies you gormless freak.
  9. A lot of people could lose their jobs. We need people in certain industries to step up and help during this time and that includes shop workers and warehouse staff. If emergency services staff had that attitude then we'd be fucked.
  10. People are facing losing their livelihoods because of coronavirus but here comes Jock McSporran from Dunfermline complaining about having to work a few extra hours to ship essential goods to people in need. Humans are the worst. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51921916
  11. Remember a few weeks ago when everyone was shiteing it over an Iran / US war that would kill us all? Different story, same sensationalised pish.
  12. Starting tonight there is a Shelter in place order for 6 counties of the SF Bay Area affecting 6.5 million people. Only essential travel to work and to the shops for health care supplies and food.
  13. I was in a hospital today. It was weirdly quiet. Apart from the woman at the desk doing the testing people there weren’t many people in the halls. I was expecting the bodies to be piled high.
  14. Aussies gonny Aussie https://nypost.com/2020/03/16/australian-shoppers-brawl-in-wild-coronavirus-buying-spree/
  15. Aussies gonny Aussie https://nypost.com/2020/03/16/australian-shoppers-brawl-in-wild-coronavirus-buying-spree/
  16. Your man Idris Elba has tested positively for coronavirus yet has no symptoms.
  17. f**k. Time to get in that bubble suit and head for the hills.
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