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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Good strike for the 2nd but poor defending by Tavtastic. He needs to be launching that into Row Z. He gets shown up against better opponents in the Europa League or against Hearts.
  2. Absolutely. Safety first. I just don't want Liverpool to win the league.
  3. Who was the *** No 25 who got absolutely roasted for the 3rd goal?
  4. Neil McCann, Billy Dodds and Alex Rae giving their insights into the game. Terrible managers but staunch af.
  5. During the Wattie years you would have got away with that in Scotland.
  6. No wonder we won the war when ze Germans give up like that.
  7. Only a team with Cristiano Ronaldo has ever knocked out Diego Simeone’s Atletico Madrid from the UCL.
  8. A bad error from the Liverpool goalkeeper but that deflects from the best English team of the last decade being reamed by the 6th place La Liga team.
  9. The contractor market in the UK must be dug meat -
  10. You just wanted her out the house so you could smash one out in peace, didn't you?
  11. Miss England finalist 'had wine glass smashed in face'. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-51834956 China Gold.
  12. f**k oil and being tied to the whims of petrol station gimp countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia. Mon renewable energy.
  13. Who's Joe Rogan and why are you seeking out his pish?
  14. I wonder who Mourinho will throw under the bus for this defeat.
  15. Why's it coming out his mouth and eyes but not his ears or throat? This is fake IMO.
  16. To help Trump win. Just like in 2016. Biden is a dotard though. He'll get rinsed by Trump.
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