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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. The Ainsley Harriott meme was sort of funny at the start but it must be at least 8 years old now. Much like Captain Sensible and Lex, the virginton character has become old.
  2. It could be wrong but it makes grim reading. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-kingdom
  3. China are a well known bastion of truth. Up there with North Korea for letting people form their own opinions.
  4. I don’t particularly like the guy but he’s at least stepped up. More billionaires should be doing this.
  5. Of all the nurses in the world I can’t say I’d choose a fat, ugly one with veiny tits tbh.
  6. Is the France method based on complete and utter surrender?
  7. Does anyone else think his hands look younger than his face? Just me?
  8. Just be glad it's not Gove or IDS. Why are the 2 biggest c***s in the Tory party from Scotland?
  9. If you buy stuff from China you’ve got to expect it’s going to be shite - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-test-antibody-kit-uk-china-nhs-matt-hancock-a9449816.html
  10. Top redheads- Emma Stone Jane Levy Karen Gillan Amy Adams Christina Hendricks
  11. Boris shaking everyone's hand before going into hospital- I hope he gets better.
  12. Credit to Boris for being so committed to the coronavirus conspiracy and allowing himself to be admitted into ICU.
  13. I've not had a haircut since last year. It's time to bring back the man bun.
  14. New York getting to the end. Although I guess some people in hospital won't come out alive.
  15. Let’s just all agree that Lex is a sexual predator.
  16. Jerry Cole has disappeared and swooping in like a sexual predator Lex is back.
  17. Dunno about other people but my flat is nicer than a prison cell.
  18. At worse fine her and move on. Fire someone for being shite at their job not for making a mistake.
  19. He’s starting out well by trying to tackle the antisemitism in Corbyn’s government
  20. 4:00 p.m. Stanford antibody test close to FDA approval, Newsom says: Stanford Medicine has developed an antibody test to indicate whether a person has developed some immunity to the coronavirus, Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a briefing Saturday. Newsom said the test was “hours” from being approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Charity Dean of the California Department of Public Health said the serologic, or blood-based, test could determine if a person has been infected and developed antibodies to the virus. People with immunity could theoretically interact with others without risk of catching or spreading the virus. “We’re very excited that this is a California homegrown test that is going to be rolled out in the next week for actual use on Californians,” Dean said.
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