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Jack Reed

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Everything posted by Jack Reed

  1. Oh aye, he has team playing well, what team have you been watching, the performances are dire, never improved for years, still if fans are happy that's the main thing,
  2. On the playing side McKay was just another one of our bad signing's, not being from Airdrie I don't have any inside knowledge about the club, as far as playing side has gone our DOF has not improved us one bit,
  3. On same page someone posted he had it on good source that Millar picked the team , not sure what else he done but if he picked the team then he never helped us improve, funny timing though, hope he doesn't forget to take his signing's with him,
  4. There is a few players that I would get short off, and fewer players I would keep, as long as Murray and Millar are here this is the best we can hope for, they just can't seem to be able to identify a player, signing's just get worse, to listen to players saying the dressing room is good and friendly and every one gets on well, when it comes to sat you would think they had never met, never seen any team to be so disorganised as teams have been under Murray and Millar , I could only emagine what would be said and shouted if fans had been at our home games, manager would have been gone for sure, and rightly so, we are Airdrie and this team is not,
  5. Aye it is a low bar, to play in league 1 for the foreseeable future, take away Falkirk game and our performances are dire,
  6. Murray doing alright job, the level we are at any half decent team would walk the league, to get beat by a lower division team can be excused once but for a manager to let a carbon copy happen the next time they meet, there is no excuse ,
  7. Could be the reason Murray still has a job, he has to play players others are signing, You would think Murray who played at a good level would have the knowledge not to sign most of the players we have their track record must be ringing warning bells a mile away,
  8. To be honest it was a good enough post, I really don't know who signs who, would rather see a good scout, if they still exist, rather than DOF, can't see the need and any improvement ,
  9. Aye, that's why he has joined us, not all clubs are as easy pleased as Airdrie
  10. It's all about opinions, Millar was a far better player for Airdrie than Sabatini, last season our defence was playing well, but then the changes here and there seemed to make them a bit suspect this season,
  11. We will only get worse with Millar and Murray, still we have Robert, who scores now and again, hardly set the Heather on fire, after all the hype and excitement looking forward to all the new signing's at start of season, I really don't think we could have done much worse, omo , now we have added another that was poor last time he was here, has he scored a goal since he left? Centre forward, still we have Roy he will be our saviour, it's our memories that are wrong,
  12. No much hope for the team if we are signing a player that's no any worse than our worst players , he will fit in fine with a lot of our players who are off the same standard as Jack,
  13. That will be 2 definate starters, that's if league gets started again this season,
  14. Same wages for full time player as for part time, you see the result of that nearly every sat as a result off,
  15. Personally I would have signed Ryan before any of our new signing's,,
  16. Better with 3 goalkeepers, crazy,that's how lower division teams will beat us, they have better strikers, aye and a lot of other positions are better, our midfield is a shambles, let's talk about Robert it will take the talk away from our performances, what our so called leaders have proved is that they have not a clue about how to get out this league, they seem to be like a lot of our player lack of grit and ambition, we will get on the bench and keep it warm again,
  17. Aye we don't have a young side to justify 3 keepers, however such is the ambition of some of out signing's they are willing to sit on the bench or just train with sqad.
  18. Great chat. Good to hear him. Look forward to some more similar interviews. Aye if only we had a player with half his energy we would walk this league,
  19. Must say I enjoyed listening to Evan, specially when he said once or twice he really loved Airdrie , Evan was what he said a hard working player with some engine, thanks for putting this on, and thanks to Evan for unforgettable memories,
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