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Jack Reed

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Everything posted by Jack Reed

  1. Aye, friendly's are all about fitness, building confidence, trying to find best team, see what sat brings, you like your team to win and give you a good feeling for season to come
  2. Aye maybe your right, it will take time to get to know our game, all be it last night was hard to make out some players, over the 2 games Sabatini and Stokes look decent, would be good to get a big lad in upfront, or just my opinion we will be out done in any tight game, defence I would have thought would pick itself,
  3. Hard to believe that some of us would settle for 4th place in Scottish third division,
  4. Celtic and Newcastle reported to be interested and having a look, aye one look at Robert
  5. Did manage to see second half, could not make out players, but as a team they were like the streaming bloddy awful, manager didn't take long to show his colours, he in my opinion will be problem again play a player any position just to play him if he likes that player,
  6. Great that we are live screening, excited already, who will start?????
  7. A young lad that was as good as most of our midfield, only played 6 =7games, we chopped and changed that much never got much chance to settle with us,
  8. It's only a friendly, Falkirk hit Raith for six, wrong one promoted maybe??????
  9. Good workout, we looked better with the quick short pass, but for some reason we played a lot of high ball to lone striker?? Sabatini looked fit and good for spells, never a pen if it had been the other end no pen, just about sneaked it at the end with Robert free kick, managed to cast it to telly so a good five's worth for me, except the yellow strip
  10. Only asked if any one had heard anything , he would probably be about 18 year old anyway, can't see the reason or sense of signing young players as no reserve team, journey men got to be what's needed in this league.
  11. Manager doest seem keen to add a striker, bit disappointing after all the Harry Rednap and West ham talk that has went on, yes the manger likes the goals from all over a d thanks fine but we really need a striker that will give us 20 plus,
  12. Would be great if someone "in the know" could give us some update on new players, the hearts lad and the rest of them,
  13. Would have him in starting line up every week, got to look forward not backwards, different class to what we have, if it's giving us a win on a sat that will do me,
  14. Would have been happier if we still had Cameron, he seemed to give us a lift last season, and it is a good thing if goals are spread around, at the moment I can't see us scoring a lot. Most new boys of unknown quality just hope our scouting pays off, will find out on Saturday, shut down supply to Austin is a must,
  15. Spot on, If we are to compete for league we need a couple of goal scorers, plenty cover for keeper's so hopefully same with strikers,
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