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Posts posted by Guts

  1. 5 minutes ago, senorsoupe said:

    As for his successor, I hope Celtic bring in someone from a newer school of manager at least.  Steve Clarke would be excellent but there are other good managers, just hope Celtic don'tend up with some of the old guard like David Moyes (who I am sure has already started calling journalists to tip himself for the job)

    Can't see Clarke coming after recent stuff with the grief he was getting at Ibrox. He was close to tears with disgust for Scotland and the problems that Celtic and Rangers cause.

    He isn't the type to be bought or come purely for money, strikes me as the type of guy that wouldn't change his lifestyle if he was to wake up a billionaire one day. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, nsr said:

    I'm not so sure English Premiership clubs would consider winning everything in Scotland with the only Scottish club who have any money as that much of an achievement. Rodgers used to manage Liverpool, now he's going to Leicester - not exactly an upward spiral.

    Even if it was a manager who wanted to try and get back in at Championship level down there then some would be interested. I see the point you are making though.

  3. 3 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

    Worth a watch. I like limmy and have honestly never seen someone capture the essence of someone's character like he can.
    I think being depressed lets you see some things for what they are which can be a positive if that makes sense?
    You're depressed about something that's usually shite like a job. Is it not weirder to not be depressed about something that's awful?

    I find happy clapper people weird as f**k tbh.

    I really like Limmy, a lot of people I meet don't like him though and wanted to put that line as a preface to the video incase someone would dismiss the video because it's him. 

    That makes sense although I have never and would never have thought about it like that haha!

    I always feel happy clapper types must be fake.


  4. I know some may not like him or find him funny, but I found this quite interesting to hear from him. Takes a bit to get into it, skip to 12 mins in (usual rubbish at start of podcast/livestream things)

  5. 7 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

    Hell mend her tbh.

    I thought that too at first. Its tricky though in that she was 15 when she went away and is now 19, so she was legally a child and groomed/brainwashed when she left. So she is kind of a victim, I would worry that shed be too far gone and "radicalised" to ever be able to trust her fully. I wouldn't want to live near her though tbh.

  6. Quite a tricky one. It's just the one lassie wanting to come home because she is 9 months pregnant and the caliphate is all but lost. Of the other two, one is dead and the other presumed dead. I am amazed at her lack of shame and the fact she doesnt even pretend to be sorry etc. She actually said she was disappointed the caliphate failed and that she wished she could have done more to help. 

  7. 8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:


    Metal Gear Solid - One of the best PS1 games. An update of the graphics and maybe the aiming system would be delightful. 


    They did it on Gamecube and it is meant to be excellent. It is called "Twin Snakes". I think I have it but haven't actually played it.

    I hope they give Resi 3 the remake treatment. I would like Demon's Souls to be remade. Freedom Fighters from PS2 days too. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
    1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:
    Nah I'm with you here.
    I'm boaking to f**k here trying not to vomit myself inside out.

    Its the bodies uncontrollable response to certain things I am interested in here... I simply dont understand how someone can overcome the hardwired genetic code that tells us shite is not for eating. Clearly there are people who dont have the same reflexes in this regard as most.

    It's ok because it was the guys own poo, probably his reasoning to his wife who he has cheated on "try to get past the poo, it was my poo, think of it as just normal cheating... now give 'is a kiss"

  9. 13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    At least her future kids won't get called potty mouth when they say a rude word.

    She already has three, to some other fella.

    Wait, what if... when they grow up... during a session of funny/gross vid sharing on the future whatsapp with their pals...

  10. 9 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

    You would have thought the other man that was there would have done the honours, went all Spielberg and took the phone

    Aw no. I didn't notice someone else there... that actually makes it worse.

  11. 5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

    What about the production values? Hand held mobile or fixed cam? If the former, who was holding it?

    It is hand held and it seems like they share the responsibility at certain points. I am pretty sure it is her filming as he shits on her neck/head area, it could be however that he has lots of practice and has mastered doing it himself...

  12. 3 hours ago, Cerberus said:

    Was she eating shite?

    Allow me to give you a brief rundown of the vid;

    The guy has shat on her tits at the start and she rubs it in a bit.

    She then tells him to shit on her face.

    He does so but the shit mostly lands on her neck.

    He then picks it up and mashes it into her face and mouth. He then kisses her.

    He continues kissing her with shit all over their mouths while shagging her.

  13. Just now, engelbert_humperdink said:

    nothing like a scat fetish

    Hehe it is fucking awful. Poor lassie's brother has been screenshoted on Facebook asking what it's all about (the furore over the video) no realising it's his sister. People telling him to ask his sis etc...

  14. 2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    “Hey! I’ve made mistakes, I’ve stood on the side of the sidewalk and slow hand-clapped while I watch a woman try to parallel park, you know, and I feel bad about that. And now if I saw a woman doing it now, I would shout instructions’.”

    I can’t wait for this.

    Haha! What was that taken from?

  15. 2 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

    Sleep not enough.
    Caffeine I drink zero in morning.
    Calorie counting will look into. I feel faint just reading that calorie intake.
    Just need to get finger out and not eat so much rubbish.
    Sleeping pattern is easy sorted. I start at 6am so usually up for 5.15am. Go to bed usually 11pm which dosnt get me much sleep.
    Energy levels are never an issue ( only 33) just need to be eating the right things.
    It's just actually changing what I eat. More dedication is required

    There's an app called myfitnesspal that is quite good at tracking everything you eat and gives nutritional values. If you make sure you add everything you are having then the guilt should help prevent you from having anything else. It's not a major pain inputting the stuff and you can scan the barcodes of things too.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

    The insanity that is Scottish football continues.

    Pretty much everyone who did not have a vested interest in the game last week agree that Beaton had a decent game.......let the match flow and over the 90 minutes the result was fair. 

    But now he and his family are subjected to abuse because some warped fuckers have got to have a reason why their team lost.

    F*ck Celtic and their pathetic victim  mentality. 


    Aberdeen chairman after decisions that he didn't like;

    "Scottish football's governing bodies need a summit to address a "genuine concern for the state of the game", says Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne.

    Milne cited the need for "consistency and transparency" or clubs and governing bodies risk losing "significant credibility" and "fans".

    Refereeing decisions and the scheduling of the League Cup semi-finals have caused controversy in recent weeks."

    The same thing Celtic want but I doubt he got the level of shite, it's no Celtic's fault some nutcase phoned Beaton. 

    f**k you.

  17. 1 hour ago, 54_and_counting said:

    What gives celtic the right to call it out and receive and explanation when no one else does, who fucking put celtic above everyone else in matters about shite reffing, did aberdeen demand an explanation for the penalty awarded for a foul outside the box in the recent cup final, what about all the victims of scott browns thuggery over the years, or how craig gordon can drop kick a player and not get sent off

    Remember on sunday how mcgregor purposely handled the candeias shot in the box, shall we demand how beaton or his officials never seen that, or brown elbowing scott arfield about 30 yards off the ball

    The absolute state of the celtic fans that think they are above everyone else is fucking embarrassing

    Every team has the right. The Aberdeen chairman has been calling for a meeting with the referees haha and quite right too.

    Gerard was calling the refs cheats for years against rangers in his first week in the job

    Aberdeen chairman;

    "Scottish football's governing bodies need a summit to address a "genuine concern for the state of the game", says Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne.

    Milne cited the need for "consistency and transparency" or clubs and governing bodies risk losing "significant credibility" and "fans".

    Refereeing decisions and the scheduling of the League Cup semi-finals have caused controversy in recent weeks."

    The same thing Celtic want but I doubt he got the level of shite, it's no Celtic's fault some nutcase phoned Beaton. 

  18. 1 hour ago, 54_and_counting said:

    Did you say this last season when he thought stokes grabbing tav round the throat was only worthy of a yellow card, or when darren Mcgregor tackled morelos round the neck and morelos got booked for it

    Or is it now only an issue because rangers benefitted, we said last season that beaton was a shambles of a ref, nobody cared then, so why care now? 

    No, I didn't see those incidents, but if what you say is true then it is more reason Beaton shouldn't be refereeing in the top flight. The incidents I am talking about though can't really be defended and for no later action to be taken is just mental. These were clear as day and right in front of him and unobstructed.

    It doesn't help that McGregor has got off for kicking opponents and also morelos got a red at the start reduced to a yellow for kicking someone. Celtic are right to call it out and ask for an explanation. 

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