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Posts posted by Guts

  1. 53 minutes ago, Snifter Pee Rot said:

    Don't agree with any cfc fan threats on Beaton but it's clear Morelos gets away with murder here, reminds me of Gascoigne in the 90s. 

    It is total scumbag behaviour and is a riddy, sadly the brain dead c***s on here will tar every Celtic fan with the same brush.

    What happened in that game with the 3 red card incidents -with Beaton looking directly at all three and no even having a word- is the most ridiculous refereeing I have seen. To not have something done about it later with the compliance officer route is scandalous. If Beaton genuinely thinks that there was nothing wrong with Morelos antics then he should not be refereeing another game in the top flight.

  2. 21 minutes ago, JamesM82 said:

    Keith Jackson / Record are transparently pushing Rodgers to Villa / Lennon back to Celtic.

    Trouble with them is that you can't tell if there's something in it, or just their usual fake news.

    It's a lot of shite (although I would love Lennon back).

    There is a decent chance he would not want to come back to Celtic as he left because he was fed up with board. He would have to get assurances that wouldn't happen again and even at that if he continues as he is he will get other opportunities down south.

  3. Just now, Shandon Par said:

    It certainly touches on negative thoughts. The guy who came up with AA and the 12 steps suffered from depression and in the method you could pretty much substitute the word alcohol for any other ill (drugs, eating disorders, sexual compulsions, negative thought patterns). There are plenty of bits in the book where I thought "that's so like person X or Y" where it reminded me of people I know who suffer from depression. 





    I might order the audio book. A friend of mine is having a really hard time the now and is suicidal at times too. I don't know if he has any addictions though he does like a drink. He cannot stand being alone with his own thoughts and even if it isn't directly helpful there might be something he can take from it - even to drown out his thoughts. I have suggested reading books for escapism but he is a poor reader. Thank you.

  4. On 9/29/2018 at 09:45, Shandon Par said:

    Just finished his “Recovery” book at the second attempt. First time it felt too painful so stopped a short way into it but listened to it as an audiobook and took a lot of comfort and inspiration from it. It’s essentially the AA style 12 steps but in his language:

    1: Are you fucked?

    2: Would you like to be less fucked?


    When someone has gone from a sex addicted, alcoholic binge eating drug addict to 14 years clean he’s worth listening to for some advice on your own life. 

    Does it deal with depression as well as addiction(s)?

  5. More on George Peat.

    15 minutes ago, BobWilliamson said:

    No. The question is why has it taken so long? 

    The other question is why tell half a story? 

    Name and shame them!

    This is only the beginning. When Gilmore left St Mirren he admitted the Scottish game is being run for the benefit of one club

    Haha what a cheek you have.


    More on Geo Peat;

    Former SFA president George Peat was asked by the BBC this week what regrets he had from his time at the SFA.  There should be an abundance of items on that list, but there was only one – that a club asked him not to change competition rules to help Rangers with their fixtures in 2008.

    In 2009, during Peat’s time as president, the SFA were subject to a Schedule 36 notice from HMRC demanding Rangers players’ contract details to be handed over.  This was the time HMRC were building a case against Rangers, who disclosed one contract to the tax authority and the SFA, but decided against lodging a second contract, for EBT payments with either body.

    The SFA were in a unique position to counsel Rangers on correct process.  Had they done so, Rangers would have been advised that they were in breach of SFA and SPL player registration rules, which required them to submit all contracts to the sport’s governing bodies.

    The SFA would subsequently be obliged to forward these contracts to HMRC and the tax crisis, which ultimately liquidated Rangers, would have occurred when the club benefited from the support of Champions League income.

    As it happened, George Peat did nothing, Rangers continued to play improperly registered players for a further three years, and Rangers sold for £1 before being liquidated.

    Peat, an accountant, made his way through the SFA as a director of Airdrieoneans.  Despite his financial background, Airdrieoneans were liquidated in 2002 after a legendary period of mismanagement.  Peat, SFA treasurer and vice-president, would have had to resign his position at the Association, but managed to cling on after becoming a director of Stenhousemuir.

    A year after Peat retired as SFA president, but when he was still at Stenhousemuir, his team were the only club to vote to allow Newco Rangers direct access to the Scottish Football League Championship.  Peat did not get his wish and Newco started life in the bottom tier of the SFL.

    Peat also had the misfortune to lose his Head of Referees in an inappropriate email scandal connected with the visit of the Pope to Scotland.  The existence of the email was denied by the SFA until evidence reached the BBC.

    Perhaps most regretful of all during Peat’s SFA presidency was the handling of the lies told by referee Dougie McDonald after a Dundee United-Celtic game in 2010.  McDonald lied to Celtic manager, Neil Lennon and asked his assistant referees to affirm the lie.

    It became evident that linesman Steve Craven was not prepared to do so and McDonald came clean to the SFA.  Despite this, the Association conspired to hold the line, as Craven claimed the Association twice asked him to stick to the lie.

    All of this was reported openly but it was only the Celtic manager who was lied to, so Peat found no reason to consider his position, or anything regretful in the actions of the SFA.

    He was replaced as president by a recipient and signatory of Rangers EBTs, Campbell Ogilvie.  Despite Ogilvie’s acknowledged “heavily conflicted” status, it is telling that he was considered more even-handed than his predecessor.

    As it happens, the subject of Peat’s one regret was ignored, the season was extended to accommodate Rangers fixture congestion, but in a twist of irony, they lost the title to Celtic and Uefa Cup final to Zenit.

    George Peat is a perfect example of dysfunction at the SFA.  An accountant at a liquidated club who rose from Association treasurer to president.  He should be a national embarrassment, a salutary lesson on poor governance.  But he’s not.  In fact, he is not even that exceptional.

  6. 1 hour ago, RedRob72 said:

    Think most Bears will be truly shocked at this revelation, who would have thought it!!?

    "The attitude of the authorities was best illustrated when the post-split fixtures were altered to suit one club. A club that had been allowed to postpone a match against Gretna to prepare for a Champions League tie that they lost 3-0.

    Now we also know that in every fixture that they played they used ineligible players.

    No one at the SFA or SPL thought that it was strange of captain Barry Ferguson to quit Blackburn to return to Rangers for £8,000/week, or so his legit contract read anyway.

    After a 10 day break from their second last fixture Celtic dusted down the cobwebs to go to Dundee United and win the title."

    They tried their best for you, don't be so ungrateful. The fixture pile up was your own doing. The same benefits of an extended league were not handed to Celtic (nor should they have been) in their lead up to 2003 final. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Desp said:

    Speaks volumes for the recruitment team at Celtic, including Brendan Rodgers.

    £3m pissed away on Kouassi (sp?), only to bring in a guy who Kilmarnock picked up on a free last season. 

    The thing is he is also probably a last minute scramble type signing(if he does sign that is). So there wasn't even any planning in that regard. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Bohemian said:

    They pretty much covered their financial loss of missing  out on the  champions league by selling Dembele and Armstrong.  A decent Europa league run should make up for the rest.  A few loan signings and they will have enough to win the league again but if I was a Celtic fan I'd be fuming after this summers transfer business, Rodgers will be gone next summer, no point to him being there. 

    I think you are right. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Mr X said:

    No one else excited? Out tomorrow :) 

    I would be, if I had the time to play them. I have backed the crowdfund for 3 without having played the first two...

  10. 55 minutes ago, JamesM82 said:

    Brown fee went that high because Celtic and the pre-armageddon **** were in a  bidding war. A few months beforehand, the media were trying to punt Brown and Kevin Thomson (as a pair) for £3M.

    I'm also not sure if this Villa bid will materialise. It depends if McGinn wants to go there. He's not shown much interest in Championship teams so far, although obviously Villa have more history / pedigree than most in that division. And possibly more money, as they were recently taken over by new owners.

    Brown also wasn't in the last year of his contract.

    I think he'd be daft not to go, he will be a starter right away there and they new owners are billionaires who will be wanting to get back into the Premiership right away. Playing in a better league with the chance to get to  the premiership at a club who will be targeting that.

  11. 4 hours ago, Lebowski said:

    For his part in helping get SEVCO a place in the Scottish football and the 5 way agreement then you are right but in this case he is just trying to hold out for what he feels his player is worth, nothing wrong with that.

  12. 5 hours ago, Joe Terrapin said:

    Who you kidding? If McGinn had 10 years left on his contract you would still come in with a derisory offer, it's what you do, that and complaining about the lack of competition when you get hit for 6 by a big team or get pumped out of europe by a diddy team. It's Celtic's way.

    I don't doubt Celtic might have put in a derisory offer had he been sitting with a 10 year contract with Hibs. That's not just "the Celtic way" but its the way of the world. If a person or company thinks they can get something for less they will do so. The same way English clubs can take Celtic players for less than they'd have to pay if they played in England. It's pish but thats life. In this case though I think 2 million(if that was offered as the 2nd bid) would be more than fair with a year left of his contract. Like I say, I would say he would be worth 4 million if he had years left, I am not a big fan of his but maybe you would value him at more then I could see why 2mil might be considered derisory.

  13. 1 hour ago, Pet Jeden said:


    I’m not sure why Celtic are so confident about low-balling (twice) the McGinn offers. 

     Celtic have not low balled at all. I would say Mcginn would be worth 4million if he had 3 yr on his contract. He doesn't though, he has one and you only get a fraction of a players true worth when they are in their last year. I doubt any Hibbees would argue he's worth more than 4 million in general. 

    - What is pish though is things like Scott Brown out talking about Mcginn and that as if it's a forgone conclusion. 

    - The Armstrong fee was bonkers and a reflection of the fu(ked up English market.

  14. On 5/10/2018 at 21:27, supermik said:

    Probably one of the most horrific things that could ever happen has occurred in Dundee hospital.


    Made me ill reading about that. Such a shame, I feel sorry for the doctor too.


    Reminded me of this story https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/doctors-rip-off-head-of-baby-during-839613

  15. 45 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Nobody knows what will happen to interest rates if Brexit goes badly and there's a run on the pound, even the guys setting the fixed rates. What's for sure is the scope for increases is much greater than the scope for reductions. It's not that long ago that 10% was normal. What I'm wondering about is what would happen to house prices if interest rates rise significantly? I'd have a low ltv so it's between a 5 year fixed rate now, or waiting in case prices drop after a big hike in interest rates. The latter would be a big gamble on a Mad Max Brexit, so I'll probably buy soon.

    Haha brilliant.


    I am leaning more toward the 5 year fixed rate as I will have significantly lees bills after 5 year as the child will be at school. 

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