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Chinatoon Bairn

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Everything posted by Chinatoon Bairn

  1. Impressive, wish my club was this efficient in punting players..
  2. I suppose when you put it that way, I am being a bit greedy. Utterly tremendous couple of weeks this has/will be.
  3. Falkirk Council has just nocked back my request to hold a street party on the wedding day. Shocked to say the least! Wen did it become so wrong to celebrate this grate national day???!
  4. Only been there for what I think is two days and he is already a tooth down. Sounds like a class holiday. Not only will we have a team of tidies but we have a team of mad seshers, a dream come true.
  5. The Don looks so fucking good in that white shirt
  6. The best looking passenger I’m ever likely to have, always strap up your loved ones x
  7. eBay is blocked on my works computers, that'll be why none of them were showing up..
  8. Anyone know where I can get my hands on the Tennent's Christmas pint glasses? A fine glass for the finest of lagers.
  9. From the worst full time team 17/18, to the best full time team 18/19. It's going to be beautiful seeing you gradually become more of a seething mess as we continually roll you over this year.
  10. I'm glad Muirhead is staying for next year. For one reason or another..
  11. Would imagine the media team are working on editing Hartley's face over the wrestlers as we speak.
  12. If you're heading to BTW tomorrow for the road show, make sure to get a couple Strawberry Daiquiri slushes down you. Embrace the feminine side in you. Maybe even buy the Don a Pornstar Martini to ease his nerves before his flashy animated 11 slide powerpoint. One for each of his ten signings then the final slide featuring only a gif of Alex Harris being punted out the front door of the stadium heed first with they horrid sliders he wears being used as weapons to lamp him across the head with a force that would have only been acceptable pre-1960s.
  13. Deleted his twitter, well and truly shat it from The Shuttle.
  14. A big farewell to my trusty steed Frosty Jacks today, nights will never be the same without you. GBNF x
  15. Going by some previous logic shown, I think we should sign both Shankland and Trouten. Would make us an absolute stick on for the title, they've already had a shot at the higher levels of Scottish football that didn't work out but they're both scoring goals for fun this season. Well worth the punt IMO. Would bring us the 40 goal partnership that Hartley is said to be looking for. A grand total of 46 actually.
  16. Alex Harris' Falkirk career summed up in roughly 6 seconds. It still hurts.
  17. Quite frankly some disgusting levels of selfishness imo.
  18. Now that's me caught up with this thread.. Where is the link to the Alex Harris crowdfunding page? I would rather take the plunge into my overdraft than see that man on the park again.
  19. A completely informal two step on the dancefloor, with a venom in hand discussing transfers/plans over hardstyle music . That sounds like something that's right up my street..
  20. Having now skelped through this pub crawl twice and collecting both colours of tshirt, thus seeing myself as a seasoned veteran I would recommend staying away from the Linlithgow tap, usually absolutely mobbed and the folk on the bar are shite. Platform 3, The Kelpies and the Black Bitch are the best ones for a pint of the finest and best lager in my opinion.
  21. The COYB Falkirk Fan Page is at it again Removed the names of the posters to lower the chance of deserved public ridicule.
  22. Some padlock they’ve got on the gate btw. That’ll be a right struggle to get off.
  23. Order chicken balls, chips and curry sauce from the Chinese, firmly believing that it constitutes genuine Chinese cuisine.
  24. Just finished Brooklyn 99 last night, now I feel lost. Can anyone suggest something to fill a Brooklyn 99/Office US shaped hole?
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