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Chinatoon Bairn

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Everything posted by Chinatoon Bairn

  1. Another one for the banter years archive, what a way to welcome a new member of staff.
  2. You can just see the regret in this mans eyes, wishing he was back at this great club already.
  3. Would really appreciate if the club stopped announcing the return of the curry club and just announced a competent keeper instead.
  4. Can’t be the only one to notice that this Welsh looks like some sort of Conrad Balatoni and Mark Kerr love child, can I?
  5. Wouldn't have minded him staying since he played decent any opportunity he got. Contract up at the wrong time I unfortunately.
  6. Job here is done. Almost as easy as taking money from Hamilton. Another emphatic win for the Bairns.
  7. As long as we're in the Championship, the BP in the background will bring more to the stadium than an empty 4th stand would. At least the occasional flame gives us something to look at.
  8. We're not the ones that are victims of fraud. Know your place, Accie scum.
  9. The perfect way to round off another pishy Monday. What. A. Sight.
  10. Feel like this is whole situation needs a mention, drove some fans to leave the union bears for good due to someone ‘leaking’ the display.
  11. Only 16 more days until the real Father Christmas takes the reins.
  12. Can't see us releasing him, or even loaning him out to someone that we will be battling for the title with come April. Still think there is a player in there somewhere, deep deep down underneath that extra couple kilos he's got on him.
  13. A true editing masterclass, the song makes it imo.
  14. This thread has seen high amounts of seethe today, it really has been truly beautiful.
  15. No surprise that a Hibs fan would show up here eventually #obsessed
  16. I, personally, was being 100% serious when I said that the SFA have been against Falkirk since establishment. It's not a laughing matter. Clear as day that they have something against us after both these bans.
  17. If you somehow manage to get this going when we are inevitably drawing 0-0 with Brechin on the 16th, I will personally serenade you in front of the South Stand.
  18. Take him. Free of charge. Please. I promise he's still good.
  19. Matured as a player by now, in his prime years. Would be a tough ask to attract him from the heights of the 6th tier but I think it's do-able.
  20. Hoping we resign Taylor Morgan in January, would have us safe by March if he played every game. Only word that jumps out at me when I hear his name is prolific.
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