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PortyMo last won the day on October 17 2021

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  1. C'mon the Mighty Mo. Leave it all out there. Nothing to fear, nothing to lose.
  2. He has been excellent. He's got a great future ahead of him.
  3. Well, after Tuesday night, we head to the Highlands full of hope. Play anything like we did the other night and we are in with a real shout. A few things to ponder though. Can Caley be as poor again? Did Tuesday take too much out of us? Come what may, its been another great season following the Mo. Okay, we stumbled over the line but, we got there. Bear in mind, if we do overcome the odds and win, we've got to do it all again next week. From what I hear, there's going to be a very healthy Mo following. Unfortunately, I won't be there. A family event has scuppered that. Those of you who are making the trip, make sure you get behind the boys and let them know that we are the Mighty Mo.
  4. Lawal apart, Caley had nothing to fear us. They might be a different beast at home but we go with nothing to fear and nothing to lose.
  5. Talking of villages, there's one missing an idiot. Fancy applying?
  6. Delighted with the win today. One of my favourite games of the season. However, there's a couple of fringe players that aren't up to it. Also a couple of youngsters who have shown promise but need to take it to the next level. A couple of young lads that looked impressive, and excuse me because I don't know their names. First half, number 10 at right back, some great tackles and willing to go forward. Second half, No 24. Great balls into the box, a goal coming from one. As for South fans, no disrespect intended, but that display was poor against our kids. Having read through some of your threads, it sounds like the demise of Bartley has been the highlight of your season.
  7. We didn't do enough to win the game today. However, the only 2 people in the ground who never saw the blatant handball were the referee and the linesman. Had we got a draw from what should have been a pen, I'm sure it wouldn't have been grudged.
  8. Performance was slightly better this week compared to recent weeks however, two terrible goals to lose. We'll certainly have to up our game for the last 2 games. Alloa have done us a favour so let's grab it, get to the play offs then gub them in the final.
  9. Big game for us tomorrow but not going into it with a lot of optimism. Since beating Alloa and Cove, performances have been dire (although unlucky last week). Hopefully SP has booted some ass since Tuesday night. Those dropped 3 points could well come back to haunt us. Accies have more than secured second place but is it too early to start resting players in preparation for the play offs. Will be watching this with one eye on the proceedings at Cove. Not sure what result suits us best. An Alloa win secures their play off place. If Cove win and we win then we are all within a couple of points. Cove have the easiest run in where Alloa have the hardest with Accies and Falkirk to play. However, main thing is, we have to win. Its in our own hands.
  10. Four seasons in one day there played in a hooley. Unfortunately, the wind was the winner. Both teams had their spells on top but I think we had three guilt edge chances that should have nicked all 3 points. A massive improvement from our last 3 games and, we are both winners with Cove slipping up again. Big game for you guys next week. A win should secure your play off place.
  11. Since beating you guys 4-3 and scudding Cove, we've been dire. A fortunate draw at home to Annan, dire performance at Stirling and I won't mention Falkirk. I think Alloa are a shoe in for one of the play off places although they've got a tough run in. Big game for us. Hope Watson is fit because we really some grit in midfield.
  12. That was embarrassing. Just as well we done a guard of honour. It was the only time we got near them all night. Far too lightweight in midfield.
  13. That was embarrassing from our point of view. Without Watson or Masson we are lightweight in midfield. No one to put the foot in. Congrats Falkirk.
  14. Hey, we need the points more than you. You can have your party next week. To be honest, if we play anything like we have in the last 2 games, you can start celebrating now.
  15. C'mon the Mo. Let's ruin this bairns party.
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