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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. I have somewhere in the house an old video that I taped an earlier one on..Brogan, Pelosi, Moke Macdonald were playing..If I remember correctly Saints had a reduced squad because some of them could not get through because of heavy snow.
  2. He's not missing the point at all he is just an obsessive attention seeker who is continually posting banal garbage to provoke a response..Check out his profile and see how many posts he has made on here and you will see for yourself
  3. However in retrospect his decision to leave Hibs in persuit of trophies has proven to be the right one.
  4. Did you indeed thanks for letting me know son...My life is now complete
  5. Got a message that he was feeling a bit of a tightening in his groin and it was decided that he should come off as a precaution
  6. TW is a bit of a throwback and is very much an Alpha Male..Your board are not in for an an easy ride as he knows exactly what he wants and will fight to get it.He is a bit of a creature of habit so I would expect him to target a few players who have played for him before and I would not be at all surprised if there was a Saints connection as his assistant.He is a great man manager and brings out the best in players but he also makes a few dreadful signing..
  7. I never thought that I would see the day when a club the size of Aberdeen would be taking one of our fringe players on loan ! There is something Unworldly about it
  8. Just been confirmed it's a permanent transfer deal..200k and Drey Wright
  9. So you will be "Raging " if we sign Lafferty and "seething " if McCowan goes elsewhere.. ? That's potentially a lot of anger to come out. Watch your blood pressure dude.
  10. I saw this rumour starting to emerge I had been told that Saints were willing to let him go out on loan but to Aberdeen ? He is potentially a very good player but has not adapted to our new system and his confidence seems to have gone.
  11. Yes we have Lad. We have had a twenty man squad all season Bryson and Melemed replaced Duffy and Tanto
  12. Running with a16 man outfield squad ? We have had 18 al season with a 19th just added and apparently one more to come..
  13. You could always listen to it on Sportsound but be careful you don't have the sound up too loud as you could wear out the batteries.
  14. If the full squad is available for tomorrow's game that will give us 21 players to fill 20 places, If Middleton is included then it will be interesting to see who ho he leaves out..I would not bet against it being O'Hallaron.
  15. I heard that it was a player swap deal with Michael O'Hallaron..
  16. Nobody is "Accusing" him of anything..I was just alluding to the fact that Random said that Hearts were apparently interested in Turner " Too "..
  17. Seriously dude how did you manage to turn an old rumour that we were once interested in a former players son into "Hearts are interested in Turner too "
  18. I don't think it was ever a realistic possibility.He was one of Wigan's top earners and they were hoping to get a transfer fee for him.They reluctantly freed him by mutual consent as it removed a large wage from a cash strapped club.
  19. It beggars belief that in this day in age that a club with under soil heating cannot produce a playable pitch in time for kick off. If as being claimed the pitch would have been playable a couple of hours later WTF was the heating not turned on earlier..Can you imagine the outcry if this had been played in front of a crowd and the inconvenience it would have caused. Spin it any way you like but this is nothing more than a cash strapped, Tinpot Outfit, who do not appear to have the resources nessecerry to maintain a place in The country's premier Division....Shocking, Simply shocking.
  20. I see that he has said that he was unaware of the interest from England So this is (as we all know ) is all bullshit from his agent.
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