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Everything posted by Crroma

  1. Would have won £3k from a £10 bet if St Johnstone beat Rangers the other day
  2. Oasis were the very definition of a "singles band".
  3. I'm going to vote for a tiny little place to the North-East of Glasgow called Croy, you might have heard of it, I certainly hadn't. I came across Croy quite by accident coming back from a concert in Glasgow, the Gorillaz, thanks for asking. The trains were not running fully and so we had to get a train to Croy to get a bus to Stirling to get another bus to Perth. I'm sure my disdain for the town is focused on the 2 hour stop-over with no knowledge of when our cavalry would arrive but regardless my brief visit didn't endear it as a future retirement destination. Broadly speaking though, if you cut out a triangle on a map from Glasgow to Stirling to Edinburgh, you could throw a dart blind-folded and you wouldn't miss shite
  4. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective This film was a treasured favorite of mine, not surprising given I was 8 when it came out some 25 years ago. I still think it's hilarious, there's a lot I didn't understand when I viewed it the first time as a naive youth - not least the sub-plot involving a transsexual character - but it's a brief movie at 85 minutes and the old catchphrases and mannerisms that Jim Carrey puts into the performance still make me smile. Its probably because it reminds me of a simpler time in my life but its a movie that just makes me happy.
  5. I'd love to see the Thief games remade, I'm not adverse to playing old games but man that game and its engine in particular feel so sluggish.
  6. Just read that big Zander has 11 clean sheets this season, utter nonsense if he's not in the Scotland squad by the end of the season.
  7. I get annoyed by low quality jokes, the kind of posts that everyone could have thought of, now and again you'll see a cracking joke and y'know generally you'll see people appreciate it from the like tally but so many posts are just terrible, old, easy shite attempts at humour. Not trying to say this is a comedy club forum or that everything needs to be intelligent patter but so many folk just seem to string their way through this shitemare called life with the worst attempts at being funny, when you see it in clusters its draining
  8. Quite a lot pal, it tells me they are a self obsessed c**t and thats a good thing to know about someone
  9. Wouldn't miss the very bad attempts at humour this forum is fucking rife with
  10. I only asked a question, if you don't want to answer it then f**k off
  11. Any good psoriasis treatments?
  12. What's the point in your tattoos and what do they add to your life?
  13. Tatoos are for people who are too insecure to realise no-one else gives a f**k about whatever stupid marks you pay other moronic c***s to stamp on yourself
  14. It would be more fitting if people started riots or fucking shot people in the chest over it but no this is Scotland so let's just make some awful low effort quip about it for months on fucking end before as we pour the stuff into vodka to medicate our horrible lives. Actually starting to hate this country and its reliance on alcohol and low effort humour.
  15. When i was 17/18 and working in Tesco i always felt like no-one cared about the job as much as me and although i was only stocking a fruit and veg aisle i put pride in my work and tried to do a good job when most of my colleagues were uncaring hungover louts. Now I'm 32 and people in this office come in at 6:45 in the morning and f**k man i miss the old days.
  16. Yeah Tetris will be cheaper in the long term but that and astro bot are the 2 most impressive vr titles atm.
  17. Re7 was excellent without vr can imagine it being harrowing. Tetris Effect getting good reviews
  18. Sold this on eBay, first time I've sold on a game in near a decade. Great game but had my fun with it and don't need to load it up again. Oh wait this is pie and bovril. Its a right pump and dump of a game am i right lads
  19. Weirdoes on metacritic? Metacritic is an aggregation website. Its not a single person saying fallout 76 is garbage, its the majority of media outlets saying its garbage. If you are invested enough to have preordered it what would you care about review aggregates? You'll either play it and have a great time despite the flaws (unlikely) or you'll make the independent judgment that its not very good (more likely) Sometimes they make videogames that are really bad. Some people judge them critically some just go "i love this series, take my money before i even know what I'm getting". Yeah the former group are just nerds, ill admit to being that but the latter group are delusional.
  20. What does it matter how many people attend the games? You guys have had and outstanding period of success in the last decade, just enjoy it
  21. Sorry but ive got a big boy pc so pubg would be the BR of choice
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