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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Posts posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Rays sweeping the Yankees, Nats and a series win against the astros, thats some homestand eh? Last months included sweeping the Royals, a series against the angels and the blue jays. I think we’re just two players or so off a post season quality side.

  2. Know/think yer not being serious, Humza Yousef was privately educated and is the likely next First Minister. More of an issue for me is politicians sending their kids to private school (looking at a very loud Blairite Scottish Labour figure in particular there :whistle)

    TBF I went tae school in East Ren - W*********d, hated the place - which is essential a private education in all but name.


    I dont agree with private schools in general, although I like Humza I find folks like him to be an exception to the rule, theres also a bit of a difference between Eton and Hutchy Grammar. But no ultimately im not serious.


    From my experiences in uni and my working life I find people who attended private schools to have difficulty understanding the experiences of those in society, most impacted by the likes of Tory Austerity etc.

  3. Scottish Government should step in and stop this.  Using legislation if necessary.

    There is no legislation they can use, he falls under the auspices of a ‘protected person’ so certain things have to be put in place.
    I just wonder what services may have to be cut from an organisation already struggling to fund the visit of a scumbag.
  4. Apparently 5000 police officers will be used for his visit.
    If you assume that these 5000 will not solely be from Scotland but from across the UK then Scotland is paying England for use of it's police for a state visit that they did't want.
    Mastermind will be along shortly to tell us that this is a good thing.

    I have it on good authority that the 5000 will actually be from Police Scotland and there may be more from other parts of the UK. Apparently Trump hasnt decided if he’s coming to Scotland yet so they’ll have to spend a fortune planning incase even if he doesnt come.
    Apparently not being classed as a state visit if he comes to Scotland so that means Scottish tax payers solely pay the bill including the cost of cops from England.
  5. Trumps visit to Scotland set to cost police scotland circa £5million so he can play golf, UK government who invited him here refusing to pay the bill despite paying English forces from central funds for their expense occurred. The result being PS has to use £5million of its funds from next year, money which could pay for 220 police officers salaries. Better together eh.

  6. As much as I want to laugh at Sevco at every chance, I can’t help but think that if I was running a business where I had to transport players to a pre-season camp i’d be trying to save money too?
    The point about Accies is better explained that their board has ties out there and may have access to decent deals on these kind of things.

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