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AW saint

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Everything posted by AW saint

  1. Middleton can fill in the McGrath roll as well so IMO he would give us another good option should McGrath leave or is injured
  2. Perhaps McCarthy's head's been turned knowing he will be off to a new club. This may be the reason why Fraser is being played instead.
  3. We need our Midfield to be combative and secure or Adam will boss it on Saturday
  4. Strikers still dont fill me with hope and we lack a creative spark in centre midfield. We qualified well but can do better
  5. I genuinely believe we are trying to get transfers out of the club early. We need as much time as possible to find replacements. Bring in Middleton and Melamed for starters.
  6. I don't see where you get we are losing McCarthy. I doubt we are looking at moving him on. He is a quality player and I bet still a key squad member.
  7. Erwin now beginning to find the net more often. Could he be a surprise hit this season.
  8. Result was ok but performance was poor. I still think we lack enough quality. Hopefully Jim can add to the squad
  9. Fair point. He did say we need more pace so wonder what areas he is looking at. I reckon McGrath will be off and I know Kiltie is a potential replacement but we will need to add further quality in the last 3rd. It is also good he is bringing in players to suit a system rather than sign a load of players and shoe horning them in. Alex Rae style of management
  10. I am not confident in our strikers and fear its the one area we lack over all quality. If this is our tactic then we need a Kevin Kyle type of striker.
  11. If this is true then I would get him off the wage bill. He just doesn't look fit or capable of getting his game sorted. I would have loved him to fulfill his potential but just don't see it. There will be better bargains to be had as time goes on and I am sure Jim will have targets lined up already.
  12. The squad looks good so far. I think we are just a couple of players short. A winger and another forward would be good. I still think we may lose 2 or 3 but i am confident Goodwin will replace with the quality we need.
  13. If players are to move on I would rather it was now. Goodwin needs aa much time as possible to get replacements in.
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