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Posts posted by AL-FFC

  1. 3 hours ago, Hank von Hell said:

    If you read my post again you will hopefully see I specifically said he cannot be judged at this point so no idea why you are telling me to get real.

    I am merely pointing it out that due to him never having coached in Scotland before it is a gamble.......and as I said one I sincerely hope pays off.

    I am well aware this is probably our worst ever squad of players in our history (thanks Gary) so he has a huge job ahead of him.

    Something along the lines of when Ian McCall gutted Totten's last squad & completely turned us around is required. Definitely not possible in January but hopefully in the summer. Who knows maybe 3 or 4 signings next month can still get us to the play offs this season.     

    Any appointment was always going to be a gamble but out of all the shouts I think we got the better, nothing against chipper but it would have been a bad call and not because of his off field issues. The rest were the usual suspects.  

    Although in some of our shouts I see Killie are just as deluded in thinking they can get McInnes and a couple of other high profile names but are now looking at Hartley as their saviour.

  2. The thing is its not as cut and dried as saying to someone by the way your out a job your work is sh*te, I don't doubt there will be stuff going on behind the scenes bear in mind we have only had a new board for about 3 weeks and I dare say there will be stuff coming out day to day to show what a mess we are in.

    Holt will probably be way down on the list of stuff that needs sorted out the main focus is get a team on the park that can win games, once we get that squared away then they can focus on Holt in the meantime though keep him out Rennie and Millers way let them do what needs to be done If Rennie believes he is happy to work with a SD that's fine the thing is we need a competent one.

  3. 11 hours ago, Hank von Hell said:

    Successive boards have gambled with high risk options at our club.

    The Brentford Model (we all know how that went) , M&M (complete rookies) , Paul Sheerin (largely unproven youth coach)................and now Rennie.

    I understand he can't be judged just yet, I'm just saying it's yet another gamble. 

    I suppose the more you roll the dice the chances of getting a six are greater, I genuinely hope Rennie can be the gamble that pays off. 

    Otherwise we may have found our new level.   

    Any manager we signed would have been a gamble and with the pile of shite we have as a first team they better have some glitter ready to polish the turd, Clyde injury ravaged squad, EF game abandoned and we are judging a manager on that get real, it would need to be easter and christ himself performing miracles with that lot. Rennie is in the same boat RM was in when he was left with Hartleys duds and trying to get a tune out of the dross.

    All I will add though is added with Holts recruitment we are faced with another rebuilding job but its alright him and his laddie are untouchable no matter how sh*te the 2 of them are, waste of 2 wages.

  4. I honestly reckon Holt has managed to surpass Hartleys dross that was emptied the fact Hartleys dross was a tier above where we are now and failing we are third tier and still failing.

    Watched Rennies interview and i think he knows what he has on his hands but a shit load of that needs emptied i mean come on Jamie Wilson 2 yr deal, Brad McKay 3 yr deal how in the name of f**k do they merit that?

  5. 1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:

    The London Mayor was on radio yesterday saying nearly 97% of all hospitalisations were unvaccinated people. That is what needs tackling.

    7800 in hospital yesterday. So around 150 of those have been vaccinated. For me, and I had this bloody thing really bad in March 2020, this is completely disproportionate and is a waste of time. 

    Trouble is there is so much disinformation over the vaccine then there are the numptys "I'm not getting the vaccine you dont know what they put into it" yet they are quite happy to eat anything or take drugs and even one of the doctors from ICU in covid ward on Sky said yesterday once they go into get treated in ICU the drugs they have to use all have side effects so its a balancing act to what works on what person.

    End of the day folk want to be anti vax thats up to them but for to contribute to the spread whilst refusing to be vaccinated it's a bit c*ntish

    There's a risk in everything we do in life, you take a risk on the vaccine or you take a risk in catching covid its down to the individuals choice and which one they would rather take a chance on.


  6. 1 hour ago, Springfield said:

    Interesting to see what Rennie does with Dowds and the fringe (loan) players. ( Dowds looks like he’s dropped quite a bit of weight but is he our answer ?)

    Really hoping that guys like McDaid are shown the door ( guys body language from the first game was appalling) With ten or so days till the transfer window opens, for me this is the most crucial window for a long time. 
    Desperate to see at least at least a commanding CB, MF and CF brought in. 

    Read the article in the FH in which Rennie comments him and Kenny Miller have connections all around the world, it would suggest any incoming players go through him and not GH (thank f**k)


  7. 1 hour ago, WeAllDreamOfATeamOfAndyRyans said:

    Airdrie fan here am not being snide at all here, genuine question cos I can’t be arsed reading back. Are yous happy with Martin Rennie or do you think it’s just another poor appointment?

    I think everyone is generally happy for a few reasons has a good pedigree albeit overseas and he's not one of the usual suspects

  8. Given that the patrons and FSS are supporters you can pretty much guarantee they know the feeling towards Goodwillie any progress in the community and indeed the fans will be wiped out if Goodwillie signed even our Board wouldn't be that daft play off place or not.

    As for Holt I don't think it will be cut and dried with the just terminate his post or tell him he is canned even if he is a bawbag, With the NB group they wanted a precondition of Holt going before any negotiation (if i was read rightly to when the board stopped talks or whatever it was with the talks and precondition caper) Its probably been seen as a case of, yes the guy is toxic and yes he is probably overstepping his remit, so its now more than likely been a case of this is your job and what your responsible for and take any other remit he had away from him till he either gets bored and says am off or some other mug comes in and makes an offer to him.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Bigbri Bairn said:

    That what I think also. Decent players like we say at the start of the season don't turn into crap overnight. It was the one track system that was at fault. The players obviously could not work the way Sheerin wanted. It will be interesting to see if they can change.
    In his interview he cited Yogi as an example. Hope he does not think Wilson would make a great CH or Hall a great striket

    No so sure on that when you think back RM played Dallison as a CF and it was a relief to have him troubling someone elses defence rather than our own with him being an abomination of a defender

  10. I dont think Holt is going anywhere unless some club come in for him and try to poach him from us (if any club is in need of a Sporting Director and want him let any Falkirk Supporter know and we will gladly drop him off at your ground). Though Rennie believes in the concept of SD and in fairness it is used in a lot of places. Could be a case of he is trying to find things to do and starting to micromanage and get into other peoples jobs (he comes across that sort of person).  As long as he knows his remit and doesnt over step it and even then i think with a lot of it i think Rennie and Miller would do a better job of convincing a player of coming to the club than Holt.

    Cant help but think though Rennie and Miller will have a lot of contacts and Holts probably sitting with one number and phoning Hartley up asking what was the name of that scout you used again.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Believe The Hype said:

    You are missing the point entirely. The reason people may be holding off isn't because they don't like an individual, it's because of the concern that said indivual may have say over where the money is actually spent. There is a direct link. Nothing petty about it. 

    I think given the record said individual has had up until now even with him trying to fault Sheerin for some of the signings its still not good enough (our league position highlights that as well as record) and any say so he has on players is going be met with "aye right" especially after signing his laddie.

  12. 59 minutes ago, TxRover said:

    How’s the plastic pitch doing? Saw a story that said Rennie left the Indy Eleven after repeated disagreements about the pitch conditions. Seems he was complaining the surface was aging poorly (eight to ten years old), and “too bouncy” for the style of football he preferred the team to play.

    Judging by you lots take on the play quality this year, if Rennie has watched all the matches, it might explain why he hasn’t been seen, probably still vomiting. Potentially a brilliant appointment though!

    One of the issues on that pitch by what i read was that it was uneven as well, which led to the disagreement.

    reads that pitch incorrectly installed owners dont want to foot cost for new pitch or adjustments to pitch, manager tells them to poke it

  13. 38 minutes ago, Angus of the Mo said:

    It's not my business, so apologies in advance, but this statement strikes me as being correct and possibly a route cause of problems.

    Director of football is a grey area, how much say does the director have in choosing a team and how they play? It didnt work at Hearts, and what is the point in a director of football? If I was a manager with a clear game plan, I wouldnt want some director over ruling me, especially one that has helped steer the club in the wrong direction?

    The position of Holt is one which I notice keeps creeping up in this thread. Apologies for any offence caused.

    I wouldnt worry about it a lot of us are in the mindset if its recruitment he has done a p*ss poor job and failed, along with his retort directed to supporters after the thats a statement not a question, the fans are to blame for the poor performances and then the final kick in the balls by Holt himself not to mention signing his laddie.  Think there were some posts that suggested that he was throwing his oar in first team side of things. 

  14. Just now, Bairn in Exile said:

    Well I do, f*ck off😁

    No, you're right, it would be good to see some info forthcoming from the new board, particularly in regard to Holt's position.

    I don't think its going to be as cut and dried as hoping in regards to terminating Holt to come out with your an arrogant and a bit of a bawbag not to mention your recruitment is sh*te probably isn't the greatest grounds for dismissal

  15. 5 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    What an absolute walloper you are btw. They've only been in the door a week. Given Rennie's supposed to be a life long Falkirk fan he's probably very well aware of the team and the leagues in Scotland despite having never managed in them. If you genuinely believe we only train twice a week then you need your head checked. We've plucked a guy who's got a 53% win ratio in over 300+ games which is quite fine by me. He's got 6 months to show what he can do and if he's not up to it then we part ways in June and look elsewhere. Moaning about who we've got as a manager whilst also moaning about him only getting a 6 month deal is a funny turn of events.

    You forgot to add in the bit about statement from the new BoD and a vision of where the club is going and the direction they want to take..lol

  16. The guy has probably just arrived in country and given the past few appointments the guy as well as the new board are already being written off or called into question calm down.  let the guy have time to see the turd he has to polish and if anyone needs called into question its Holt/Sheerins signings as well as the underperformers.

  17. 1 minute ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    At the end of the day we could have klopp coaching the team but if it's full of shit players with shit attitudes it won't matter a bloody jot.  We need to recruit better players and players with a bit of backbone and leadership or we will continue to plumb new depths.  That is the crux of the matter unfortunately.

    And the problem we have with that is Holts recruitment is piss poor

  18. 5 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    I know you don’t keep too well but to try to stop young fit men from enjoying themselves, however rotten footballers they are, is just crazy.

    Its up to yourself and oldies like me to lock themselves away if they wish (I don’t) but please just let everyone else get on with their lives.

    I respect your position on the whole covid lark however unpopular they are and regardless of beliefs on covid to tell someone to look after themselves and lock him/herself away is a bit of a c*ntish thing to say to anyone it doesn't discriminate on health or age there are still young people that have died of it plus even the fact if they are fit and healthy it still doesn't stop them spreading it ffs.

  19. 1 minute ago, Blame Me said:

    So assuming that our new head coach will be assisted by Kenny Miller does anyone else feel trepidation that this is a gamble - for those who dismissed Rice - that even he wouldn't take!

    This has all the makings of a perfect storm and ending up further in the mire.

    We've shipped 9 goals in 2 games with nothing in return how can it get any worse.

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