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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. No we didn’t as we used them when we were bronze. And we can use them whenever we need them. Never been chain locked - a simple padlock is all
  2. But I guess you start from a 100% anti perspective so you only have that narrow view to start with
  3. Well if their rules allow it any league can invite guest teams in. There are pluses and minuses of B teams. Would have been quite happy if they had never been admitted - after that then it is hardly the Armageddon some want to portray it. And a Tier 5 League does need some funding
  4. But those clubs from below couldn’t be brought in due to the cap on club numbers in the LL. And adding B teams hasn’t impacted at all on their progression chances
  5. Well it depends as non B teams can arguably counteract that due to experience and physical strength - both parties have different advantages and disadvantages
  6. It’s not an excuse it’s a reason and until the players actually come back it remains the position. We have been saying this for some time because that has been the situation for some time. 4 or 5 of the players out would be first pics. Yes other teams get injuries and they suffer - Linlithgow Rose last season for example. There isn’t a pot of gold where we can just go out and recruit replacements. I am reflecting reality no point ignoring it
  7. 6 players out yesterday so that is the key issue
  8. I can source it but won’t exhibit it on here and to you
  9. No-one asked you to take away the results v the B teams - that was never even suggested. So why bother. The simple fact is that the final table of the LL for determining league position and most importantly the champion disregards the B teams but not their results as they impact on the other teams. Technically and officially Cowden were 8th but that’s as far as it goes - if you don’t like that fact then no skin off my nose. I try to stick to facts that I know and thought it might be helpful to share that knowledge but if others want to misconstrue matters or present their opinions badged as facts then that is entirely up to them a la Trump
  10. I am afraid you are wrong Cowdenbeath FC were officially 8th - never mentioned B teams results being expunged so why go there - the club has confirmation of that as a by product of correspondence received on another matter. And no it won’t be published so don’t bother writing ‘Source?’
  11. Why are you pulling me up on it - I haven’t said their results are disregarded
  12. Your essentially comment is just wrong though - it doesn’t reflect what actually happens. The rule isn’t that complicated even if it doesn’t suit you
  13. Yes there are socials and then there is the official record. The actual situation is that B teams can’t finish top of the LL as going by your own definition they are disregarded when deciding final league positions - thus that obviously confirms that Cowden were 8th no matter what school you go to. That is different from the WoSFL where the issue is that unlicensed teams can win the League and their finishing position is not disregarded.
  14. In an email communication from the Lowland League
  15. The difference is the teams like Berwick, Cowdenbeath and Albion Rovers have many more fans/well wishers/people with affection and regard for the club than these other teams as they have represented their specific communities for over a century. Their history and past achievements have links to diaspora all over the world. Attendances aren’t the same as the number of fans, etc a club has. East Kilbride haven’t got that link as they haven’t been around long nor have City or Spartans (both City clubs in a city that is Hibs/Hearts focused).
  16. You are trying to split hairs - Cowdenbeath were officially 8th in last season’s table not 10th. Thus the B teams were effectively removed from the final table - disregarded is just another word for the same concept
  17. They are removed from the final table - both B teams are omitted at the end but their results as they impact on the other clubs still are part of the final tallies
  18. But they aren’t friendlies when their opponents can win or lose points that count as regards placings
  19. And it wouldn’t work if their results were removed from the table as their opponents would then just treat the matches as friendlies
  20. No they aren’t - but it isn’t very complicated just excluding them from the end table
  21. Only the LL winner gets to go into the play off - the B teams are removed from the final table. That isn’t the case in the WoSFL - unlicensed teams aren’t excluded from the final table and can be champions when a B team can’t be
  22. It is owned by Innovate (Cowdenbeath) Ltd. Previous owner Gordon McDougall sold the stock car company and football club (company) for around £2.5 million in 2007 to Innovate. The football club owned the ground. A property deal was proposed which would see a supermarket built and a new stadium built for CFC. Property crash came along and it and other issues meant redevelopment fell through. Stock car company is profitable so new owners rearranged matters so that ownership of ground was transferred to Innovate and CFC lost around £45k in annual rents from stock cars and now had to rent the ground back. Later Donald Findlay and some fans took over running the club and bought it from Innovate (but not the ground)
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