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Cowden Cowboy

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  1. That is the normal approach clubs adopt - they deliver what is required to both parties. The 2 sets of accounts are based on the same figures so it’s quite simple to do
  2. Yes Stenny as a 1st Division side kick off a fortnight before us so fitness and team building is much further ahead for them. This game let us try out some players and work on building fitness. There was no point in us just picking our strongest side for the 90 minutes and playing as if the result was paramount
  3. Expected in about a week’s time
  4. That isn’t correct - Berwick are entry in all 3 categories so more than just Dr. required
  5. The position is that clubs in the SPFL were never consulted re the Highland/Lowland boundary. That then caused a problem when Brechin were being forced into the HL rather than the LL which was their preference for various reasons. Subsequently it was agreed that each SPFL 2 club at the start of each season would indicate their preference whether HL or LL. That is then shared with the HL and LL. At the end of the season the club going down goes into the league nominated unless said League objects. If agreement then not reached I think the SFA can arbitrate. Don’t think there have been any contentious choices put forward at start of season thus far
  6. There is a legal agreement between the 3 leagues and the SFA - all 4 need to agree to any change
  7. Yes Stewart Regan came in as an outsider thus sought to make his mark by changing Scottish football by taking forward some of the reviews ideas plus he was reacting to the Rangers situation from the previous year. He helped package up a league reconstruction package which involved a single league body, fairer financial distribution, parachute payments, play offs and the pyramid. Flaws though were the lack of financial distribution of some sort down into the new pyramid and the lack of a coherent league set up in the Lowland area due to the junior/senior divide
  8. It was a package deal and was part of the ‘merger’ proposal that saw the SPFL formed. Stewart Regan worked to get it included in the deal - thus it was voted through with only 5 or 6 clubs against because of the overall positives in the rest of the proposal. Most clubs then in Tier 1 and 2 - mainly full time - wouldn’t be worried at all re the trapdoor concept. Most of the votes against were I think from clubs lower down whilst many Tier 3/4 clubs agreed to concede on this point because of other benefits overall in the agreement
  9. Yes indeed but equally it should be feasible for you to provide a link to an online article or similar from back in the day where this aspect was publicised by Stewart Regan as evidence - as you suggest this was the key driver.
  10. I was at more than one meeting where Stewart Regan spoke and this was never mentioned as an issue. It played no part in the SPFL clubs decision. The reality was that the SPFL didn’t actually exist at this point - the pyramid was a Stewart Regan initiative and a makeweight issue which was vastly overshadowed in negotiations which involved SFL and SPL clubs striking a bargain which saw a much greater level of funding going to the ‘30’ clubs outwith the Premier. That plus the reunification of the ‘42’ after the Rangers Armageddon was the driving force behind the agreement which included the play off concession which Stewart Regan pursued as part of his own vision - not some vague threat that may or may not have existed from UEFA.
  11. Seems like a made up fact. Stewart Regan at SFA pushed it through and he never once suggested there was any UEFA compulsion behind it - you’d think he might have highlighted that if it was the case. Spfl clubs weren’t advised there was any uefa requirement when they agreed the pyramid arrangement - maybe though you can show me a link from back in the day where this was highlighted?
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