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Everything posted by HGG

  1. Ooh, gies the gossip! What's going on? Chin up Fudge. It'll not feel so bad forever. Edit cause I used quote tags instead of code! Duh!
  2. Further to my eBay purchase today of toys for the children, my garden should be as I want it for the time being very soon. Photos will follow shortly, as soon as everything's in place.
  3. As was said on another thread today, you definitely are picking up the language. Just don't try using that in every day conversation in English away from P&B!
  4. Um. You been drinking tonight, per chance? My only petty nag just now - the chocolate's downstairs in the fridge and I don't want to have to get up to go and get it.
  5. Both, I'm afraid. I had to fix my wifi connection after MSN's blip tonight. Took me bloody ages. I can't imagine why MSN going wrong would cause that so it was probably just coincidence but I can blame MSN if I want to so it was their fault.
  6. MSN's silent. Everyone must be in bed. Usual insomniacs around?
  7. Look again. It looks more like a pregnancy bump with boobs just sticking out too the appropriate distance above. Anyway, that looks fab Matt - I'm jealous now!
  8. Never mind. If you can't connect to the internet, at least you can post on here .
  9. Send her the bill for the cat's tablets and get her to give them to him!
  10. and the Death Worms? What of them? The ants are too scared to venture onto my land. B)
  11. Have you told her about the problems she's causing? Nicely the first time? The point was that it was Mr Phoenix Sr, not our Phoenix. He probably wouldn't hear the commotion anyway. You should've swapped with Adam for the afternoon! Sounds like you'd both have appreciated the change.
  12. It sent a shiver through me just reading that! Talk of bad cuts or broken bones does that to me.
  13. Hmph! Maybe I just haven't told you I'm a mod yet so that you don't pester me to pin your thread. Haven't thought about that have you, smartie pants?! Oh go on, Reina. Make it something he'd really hate! I can think of plenty.
  14. Why does she get that while I get abuse over my produce? My chilli plant hasn't flowered yet and is looking so sad I think it may not do. Still no sign of any tomatoes on any of my plants either. However, there were more strawberries this morning. It was worth waiting then. Or did you have a barney with the neighbour in the meantime? Had a guy round to give me a quote for sorting out the guttering, soffits and facias at the back of the house this morning too. Hopefully the dripping on the conservatory roof right outside my bedroom window will be no more very shortly!
  15. Yer aff yer heid. That said, you appear to be on my side, so... welcome to the big P&B garden debate. The carrots tasted fine and the kids and I had a fab time and felt very pleased with ourselves for our efforts. I think it's entirely commendable. to Hebs!
  16. Not for the first time tonight, all I have to say to you is...
  17. Don't give up your day job. No golden harp? No golden eggs? Surely you remember jack taking the hen with him? Edit: Goose, not hen! He took the goose that laid the golden egg.
  18. I wanted raised beds too, but it just isn't going to happen in the garden here. Yours look cool though. I'm really impressed with the organisation there. Great use of the space. We ate the carrots today. Tasted like... well... carrots!
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