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Doctor Manhattan

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Posts posted by Doctor Manhattan

  1. 1 hour ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    Uh oh, one of them is starting to become self-aware...

    "Human decisions are removed from Kickback. Budgenet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 PM, Eastern time,  27th May. In a panic, they try to pull the plug."

    "Budgenet fights back."

    "Yes. It launches its missiles against the targets in the Seaside Leagues."


  2. 2 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    Both instances probably lasted no longer than 5-10 seconds and neither of them inconvenienced him in any way whatsoever. It's knicker wetting.

    It's not mutually exclusive. Even if Pozbaird is the sort of over-reacting misanthropic auld bollocks that would make Victor Meldrew look jovial, it doesn't mean that the other pair aren't spectacularly stupid c***s too. My own philosophy, sadly based on considerable experience, is to expect every new person I meet to be an absolute c**t until proven otherwise.

    That might just be a Motherwell thing, though.


  3. Absolutely no sense of humour, the Koreans...



    K-League: FC Seoul fined 100 million won for sex dolls in stands

    Some of the "premium mannequins" at FC Seoul's match

    A South Korean club has been fined 100 million won (£66,500) by the K-League for filling empty seats with 'sex dolls' at their recent home match.

    FC Seoul put 30 "premium mannequins" in the stands, with fans unable to attend because of coronavirus restrictions.

    The club said they did not know the dolls were adult products and apologised on Monday.

    "The incident has greatly insulted and hurt female and family fans," a K-League statement said.

    Some of the dolls were holding signs advertising x-rated websites, despite pornography being banned in South Korea.

    The K-League added that the club had made "a serious mistake" by not removing the dolls before the match.


  4. 53 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    I am really annoyed that this post stood for an hour without anybody pedantically pointing out that the O Level is an English qualification and that it's Scottish cousin the O-Grade was phased out about 30 years ago.

    Do I have to do everything here?

    You should all be ashamed of yourselves

    Says the man who put an apostrophe in the possessive "its". 

  5. Is Tom English actually on drugs? What other explanation could there be for this drivel?



    'Highly improbable that the story ends here'

    BBC Scotland chief sports writer Tom English

    And so the spin begins. Twenty-seven votes against having an independent inquiry and 13 votes for; 64% of clubs against the investigation into the SPFL's corporate governance and 31% went in favour.

    If you're Neil Doncaster and the SPFL board you're saying that enough clubs have spoken and this should be the end of the most divisive chapter in the history of the organisation. If you're on the other side you're pointing out that one third of the top flight want this examination to take place and that 40% of the First and Second Division clubs combined gave their backing to the inquiry.

    Save for Inverness, the Championship was a wipeout for those who were calling for a probe into what went on or didn't go on. The numbers are there to be interpreted and fought over - and they will be. Nothing will change there. We now know the result but, in a sense, we don't know the endgame because it's highly improbable that the story ends here regardless of the SPFL board wanting that to be the case.

    Rangers said at the weekend "this episode is far from finished". We await their next move. And their next statement. And the ones from different places that come in its wake. Seconds out. Round two.


  6. 1 hour ago, Speroni*1 said:

    You're unlikely to get a reply. They post their link and are never seen again. Think there's been about 2 or 3 that have ever bothered to hang around for a few days.

    31 minutes ago, footballresearch said:

    Hi, the age brackets are dictated by the University's ethical guidelines, not a personal choice. 

    Well, well, well. Suppose I'll have to do the poxy survey now, Jamie, seems only fair. 

    Top tip for any old codgers: Just check the "Prefer not to say" box when asked for your age.


  7. 22 hours ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

    Not like us.

    Speaking of penalties, I came across this article from the time while idly Googling "6-6", as you do.



    The last time a 6-6 draw happened in the professional game was on Saturday 7 August 1999, when Genk – then the Champions of Belgium – opened their title defence in the 1999-2000 season with a 12-goal thriller against Westerlo. That match included five penalties and four red cards.

    Fucking hell, that's nearly as good as ours!

  8. 9 hours ago, ftk said:

    Winners and losers in every league restructure but I honestly dont think Clyde have much to complain about here. In fact this restructure, if voted in, is pretty fair on all teams.

    One of the many blessings  I count every morning is that I'm not a Clyde fan. However, I can quite see their point here, it's a relative shafting for them.

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