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Doctor Manhattan

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Posts posted by Doctor Manhattan

  1. 22 minutes ago, ClathyDave said:

    Absolute pisstake from the Crew. I know folks talk about supply and demand, but it’s just stinking behaviour from teams in the MLS

    Columbus Crew are well known to Motherwell fans for their snake-like behaviour when $$$ are involved.

  2. 1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:


    Admittedly it was many decades ago, and things have changed a lot since, but if I'd told my young chums in North Motherwell I had a Wendy house in the garden they'd have kicked my head in.

    Luckily I didn't even have a garden, let alone a Wendy house.

  3. Just received my anOrdain Fabrik GMT, which will sadly now have to go back in its box until Xmas. (Santa may yet bring me their Plum Fumé Model 1 with the enamel dial one day, but as that waiting list is still measured in years it could be a while yet.)


  4. 25 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    Remember the story about a 15 year who was carted off by a dozen police officers for saying that one of them looked like a “lesbian nan”? Well if you’ve been wondering what the lesbian nan copper has been up to, wonder no more! Here she is sorting out a disturbance in a Leeds street.


    Pepper spray for everyone!

    And this is why these c***s can't be trusted with guns.

  5. On 05/08/2023 at 22:06, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

    Alex O'Connor AKA CosmicSkeptic is an atheist YouTuber who I'm a great fan of.  He always debates in good faith and with an open mind.  Articulate and highly intelligent.. I'm also highly jealous of his youth!

    Here he takes on Christian philosopher William Lane Craig, who was a huge part in my journey to faith.

    The topic is the Kalam Cosmological Argument.

    I challenge anyone to completely understand what they are both on about!  I think I 'got' most of it, but certainly not all!

    If you think that one was a mindfuck, check out his latest...


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