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Jock Tamson

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Posts posted by Jock Tamson

  1. Remember what he did last time we were after him?
    He'll either be using the speculation to get a better deal or hell be laughing his head off at us on the highway to retirement.
    Hes not said anything to the press because he dosent need to.
    Being honest hes not the right guy for us tbh. Not with the setup we have.
    I think he'd do a job, but I wouldn't hang about for him.
  2. I said that a while ago. Hes not going to be our manager. Ever. Hes using the speculation to get a better deal out of wherever he goes.
    It's as obvious as the day is long. 
    He had the run of Perthshire for what he did at you lot. Hes not going to come work under Asghar and friends.
    Why is he using us? In what way? Not seen 1 quote from him re the Utd job.

  3. I admire the stoic way Utd fans seem to have taken this bombshell news - no doubt based on the usual football fan's belief that the next appointment will be a major upgrade.  Let's see.

    I think it's based on the fact that not many of us actually cared that much for Robbie Neilson as a football coach. His time was probably coming soon enough. He's probably jumped before he was pushed. Looking over social media since the news broke tells me more are bothered about the timing rather than the fact we've lost our manager. It's still an attractive job for many reasons regardless of what league we're playing in. Interesting times.

  4. This feels quite clever from the SPFL (so presumably not Doncaster's idea).
    Offer a place to Ann Budge on the reconstruction team.  If she declines then it shows that she wasn't serious about working in partnership with other clubs to find a solution.  If she agrees then Hearts have effectively withdrawn from the opposition, leaving Partick fairly isolated (if we ignore Sevco howling at the moon about Private Eye articles).
    I genuinely have no idea what Nelms thinks he has achieved.  There was a commitment to look at reconstruction before the vote.  There is now a commitment with some names in the frame for the working party.  The likelihood of reconstruction is still pretty much the same.

    The ONLY way Nelms has achieved anything out of this, is if the league kicks off with 16 teams in it. Otherwise, what an absolute disaster he's had.
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