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Everything posted by ColinTheColt

  1. G4Mac I’m liking your thinking...
  2. You seem to be in the know Sergeant Wilson........
  3. Forgot to mention that every single coach at our club is a volunteer with a full time day job. We try our best.
  4. You are right about us not advertising our activities enough but we don't want to be seen as bragging about things we do in the community. For your information though, we do run a disability section and were, I believe, the first in the area to do so but because of the nature of it we don't feel that it is appropriate to promote it other than to those who it is aimed at. See the OfficialCcolts twitter feeds for details of all our activities such as the Lunch Club and after school club in Eastfield Primary today.
  5. Fandabbywee78, what more do you want us to do? " Colts sleepout in support of Glasgow City Mission and the Simon Community not forgetting our annual foodbank collection in aid of The House of Bread in Cumbernauld Town Centre. Oh, and the various outreach programmes we are involved in. Oh, and the GoFitba programme which is currently ongoing at Broadwood at the moment." Also, see our twitter account for details of the school based activities we are involved in. P.S. there are more than just Stewart involved at the club!
  6. Not according to Fat Sally, lol. Off out to watch some football.
  7. As for you Haufdaft, your comments almost made me laugh out loud
  8. Broadwood is our home although just as Clyde have stated in the past in relation to moving south of the Clyde we are exploring other options. As for other community work you are corrrect in what you say and in this respect I give you the Colts sleepout in support of Glasgow City Mission and the Simon Community not forgetting our annual foodbank collection in aid of The House of Bread in Cumbernauld Town Centre. Oh, and the various outreach programmes we are involved in. Oh, and the GoFitba programme which is currently ongoing at Broadwood at the moment. I suspect that the comments made in the previous tweet are bourne from the feeling that we have served our purpose as far as NLL are concerned and that despite constantly being referred to as stadium partners the reality is that we are just tenants and third in line to the the Clydes and SRUs of this world. A shame really.
  9. We would continue to do what we have been doing over the years and that is keep children playing football. We have over 600 at the moment and over 120 coach volunteers, all of whom do it for no financial reward. When we located to Broadwood the stadium pitch was used twice a week for training by Clyde and every second Saturday. At all other times the stadium lay empty. Contrast that with how it is used now. This contrast is directly as a result of the funding made available through the Colts and given to North Lanarkshire Leisure. Oh, and by the way, we still have to pay monthly let fees to use it! As for leaving Broadwood all I will say is that we've only been there for 6 years and the club celebrates its 50th anniversary next year...
  10. Or are they really just interested in basking in the glory of the Scottish Second Division?
  11. Yip they do and credit to them, but considering they have been in Cumbernauld for over 20 years I would have expected them to have made a better fist of it. Indeed if they had, perhaps clubs such as ours would not be required in the area.
  12. Well, the Junior teams had their chance and turned their noses up at it, although I see now that they are realising it was a mistake. Not much difference in my mind between a "glorified boys club" and a team relying on their history to justify their existance in the Scottish second division! Pitiful.
  13. You are a Clyde supporter BullyWeeLad, get some perspective for goodness sake!
  14. The "diddy" senior team, which is already doing well in the Lowland League, will be fed by the kids from our community club over the next few years and in fact this is already happening. Fail to see what is not to like about that?
  15. Is this the dross to which you refer? We have done more in 5 years for the local community than your club has done the entire time you have been in Cumbernauld. Stay classy now.
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