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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. I believe it’s related to a thread that user did on X (Twitter) the night before Trophy day, which took a trip down memory lane and went through the disaster that was the fan Q&A at Inchyra
  2. Obviously squad size has been spoken about before with numbers being quoted but simply put, if we are doing better commercially than expected then the BOD will give McGlynn the funds to bolster the squad
  3. I wouldn’t read too much into squad numbers. Right back is Finns to lose. If Adams comes in and proves he’s better then he’ll become first choice
  4. I did notice that too once he posted them
  5. It’ll be interesting to see how Nesbitt gets on in the Championship as I know he never impressed much when he was there before. I’m he performs at the level we seen last season then not an issue but if not I could see McKenna being brought in to start in that role
  6. Also noticed Jordan Allan doesn’t have a number
  7. You’ve posted pretty much exactly what I was going too. Tait and Spencer both need to be playing and they don’t mind the physical side of the game
  8. I haven’t watched Tait through his whole career so this might not be 100% accurate but the impression I have got of Tait is that McGlynn is the only manager who has managed to get the best out of him. With this in mind I think very few, if any clubs would take him knowing that it takes a certain type of management to get him to perform at his best. Obviously football isn’t as simple as that but we just need to wait and see
  9. Looks like Airdrie are victims of their own success as Josh Rae has signed with St Johnstone. They may well recruit well but it won’t be easy losing Fordyce, Ballantyne, Rae and potentially more to come
  10. Just seen the announcement that Crunchy Carrots are sponsoring us again next season and the accompanying video has me wondering if Spencer will be vice captain. I’m assuming Coll will be announced as Captain and I did wonder if Spencer would be vice
  11. I totally agree with this. I was getting at the fans making out like they don’t think Hanlon is good enough for us
  12. I don’t really get our fans saying Hanlon wouldn’t get into our team. Of course he would. Raith are in a completely different position to us and unfortunately for us we won’t be shopping in the same market as Raith
  13. Brough was decent and tbh I thought he’d maybe be kept but he got tarred with the same brush as the rest of them
  14. So the level of players you are talking about are completely different to what we have. Gareth Bale was a winger who then got played left back by Tottenham before giving him his chance again on the left wing. Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we don’t play a left midfielder. We play a left winger. I know you’ll say there is no difference but there is a massive difference between the two positions
  15. Yes really. Totally different positions and most attempts at this have failed
  16. Your post lost all credibility when you said McCann can fill this position
  17. Exactly. I sometimes wonder who our fans think is we could possibly sign. MacIver does a great job up top and I’m sure he’d like to add more goals himself but take him away for a 20 goal striker and I could almost guarantee we’d score less as a team
  18. To be fair I think it’s going to be possible for any team to be scrambling about 9th. Going to be a difficult league to call, however, I do think we’ll see at least one team drastically underperform and find themselves bottom early on. I just hope it’s not us
  19. I get what you’re saying but I actually believe Ross would be more effective in the championship. I think oppositions this past season sat very compact, which made it difficult for Ross to make the impact he’s capable of. In the championship I’d expect things to be a bit more open and give him space to run into, which will get the best out of him
  20. It’s actually laughable that the ugly sisters try using the unfair advantage point about artificial pitches. If they are all about fairness then any game at Hampden should be 50/50 ticket sales and regardless if the opposition team only sells 10K then the rest of their allocation should stay empty in the name of fairness. The fact that Scottish football has decided to focus on artificial pitches above everything else just shows how laughable they are and why most other countries look at us as a joke. Outside of Falkirk I take very little interest in Scottish football. That is how bad the product is and it’s only getting worse with the idiots in charge
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