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Old Scrotum

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Everything posted by Old Scrotum

  1. I recall a local (human, not pub) acting like a whirling dervish outside there post-match, basically spinning around trying to punch anyone within reach, even four or five of his mates who were trying to calm him down.
  2. If there are no announcements soon we may be supporting The Owls on Saturday: "Who? Who? Twit. Who?"
  3. Broomfield and Brockville deserve to be on the list of "here be dragons". Easter Road too. I once had a bizarre experience after a game at Berwick, of all places. A chap cleaning his car in his driveway stopped me going any further towards the town centre as, being on my own he said, I'd be in danger of being attacked a few hundred yards further on. He insisted on phoning a taxi for me. And, right enough, we soon passed a group of nasty looking individuals. I believe it was "let's get after the Jocks" thing. (Berwick is also the place where a Sons' fan was threatened with arrest prior to kick-off for sunbathing on the grassy slope.)
  4. Stranny bringing up the rear I notice. And the club of 100 names has got a new one.
  5. If the club allows "visitors" in for less than the levied rate for season-ticket holders they better have a good 'compensation package' for us (and I don't mean financially). Also, allowing season-ticket holders of the Bigot Brothers in for less than the occasional walk-up fan - say,the local guy on his one weekend off per month - is a non-starter in my opinion. The fact that so many of our regulars are from outside the immediate area is a credit to their loyalty even if doesn't say much for their sanity, but if it is costing you £50 all-round to go to a home that is hardly an incentive for your mate next door to come along too. Older folks may remember various clubs experimenting with Sunday football (yes, kids, such a thing was a novelty). not such a bad idea as the pubs closed in the afternoon and all that was on the television was bloody 'All Our Yesterdays'. Tranmere Rovers also played their home games on a Friday night to avoid losing supporters to, and in the hope of gaining bodies from, their much bigger neighbours. As I'm not sure where I'm going with this Sunday Sermon I'll retire to the vestry and my special cellar of "communion wine".
  6. If you purchased your 1972-73 top from either of Ian Tyrrell's sports shops in the town the gold band faded as soon as it even looked at water. Tyrrell's. Now there's a memory. Who else bought (or still has) a DFC holdall?
  7. I get my pension paid directly to The Fool & Bladder, sonny. Saves hunting about for change.
  8. But you have the Station Hotel as a worthy consolation.
  9. "Whistle while you work Aitken is a twerp He's half barmy So's his Army Whistle while you work" (Frank "Sons Fan" Pike)
  10. Don't want to be a meteorological doom-sayer but looking at the forecast we might not have a game against Montrose on the 26th. Three pairs of long-johns if we do.
  11. That's a pint you all owe me. I knew if I went for a pee the announcement would appear.
  12. I'll bet a pint of Ol' Bollock Sniffer on Ben Armour from Morton. Knowing our luck he'll move like he's wearing it. (Joke! Joke!)
  13. I don't read from Duffy's comment that DT is being sent back to Kilmarnock. I think it is more a case of Stevie Clarke wanting him at Rugby Park for a spell before deciding whether to loan him back out. As Thomas' loan period has ended at DFC - as I understand it as - I can't see how we would be liable to pay any wages until such time as he rejoins. The only time Clarke can make a judgement, unfortunately, is during this month which also coincides with the Premiership break. (I'm not sure if he's taking the squad away for a couple of weeks for warm-weather training at Largs.) It wouldn't surprise me if Clarke is even contemplating giving him a run-out against, of all teams, Forfar in the Scottish Cup on the 23rd. One other thought came to me in a surprisingly sober moment: Killie must fancy their chances of a European spot and might be keen to bring an experienced player or two until the end of the season to help with the "push", be it loanees or short-term contracts. They've already sent one loan player through the door marked "do one" so perhaps Clarke might be willing to loan or re-loan out others if whatever that saves on the wage bill makes a contribution. Normal service will be restored at 11.00.
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