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Posts posted by Supercaleyman94

  1. Robbo out of the running according to Scott Gardiner due to him still having a "job" to do. I still wouldn't be surprised if he's manager till end of the season especially if he gets a couple of results.

    There's no doubt its the most important decision a Caley board has made in decades get it wrong Part time football awaits.... get it right we might actually be in the top flight before the end of the decade. 

    I believe we have enough to stay up but we need a manager that'll get the best out of these players especially younger ones such as Bray, Harper, Brooks etc etc if we get full or even some potential out of some of the younger ones it can take us up a level.. 

  2. It'll be either Robbo, Callum Davidson or Jim Mcintyre I'll be surprised if it's anyone outside that 3, would've inculded Yogi but i highly doubt he's interested in coming back after leaving on bad terms.

    I doubt many managers based around the central belt will want to come up here it was a lot easier when we were in the top flight. Now we're bottom of the Championship with a toxic atmosphere surrounding the club. Gonna be hard to convince managers like Ian Mcall, Neil Mcann, Tam Courts or god forbid Neil Lennon to manage us.

  3. Horrendous defending from Duffy for the first goal getting caught out with the bounce how can a professional defender not deal with a throw in from the oppositions half? Delaney just let the ball past him onto the advancing David Gold pathetic attempt at cutting out the cross. 

    2nd goal was just comical defending again getting caught out with a corner which we should've cleared easily instead of just gifting the ball to Thomas O' Brien. 

    The red card was just insane he could've flicked Adam Brooks on goal but instead big Harry fails miserably to control a direct ball with his chest and he takes the Arbroath player out with his studs Jesus christ 🙈

  4. Ok game with a mediocre 2nd half thought we were just the better team to be brutally honest but a draw was probably the fair result all things considered. 

    Poor slack 2nd half let Dunfermline back in it. If we were more switched on with that corner we probably would've held on for the 3 points. After they equalised our defence started to crumble a bit and Dunfermline got their best chances of the game most notably that save from Ridgers The Pars definitely could've stole it in the end

    We seriously weren't as bad as we have been so far this season so some Dunfermline fans should maybe be a bit more positive lol. Boyes and Anderson made a big difference IMO. We weren't amazing but certainly some improvement from previous weeks. 

  5. Been hearing about Dodds being on thin ice myself found it hard to believe at first but I've heard enough it times the past week to kind of believe it now. 

    I'm a bit torn on it to be honest I don't think he deserves all the crictism  and abuse he's been getting from fans its been a bit much in my opinion  

    Aye his questionable tactics and man management skills have held us back at times and he deserves crictism for that but its not all his fault its the board as well. 

    Do you think he wants to be signing players like Lodovica and Louis Longstaff? he's picking the best out of a bad bunch with the budget we have.

    Even if we can afford players that are genuinely title contention material trying to convince them to move up here is a totally different kettle of fish made even harder by the fact we're getting slightly worse every season finishing lower in the league not very appealing. 

    As the saying goes you can only piss with the cock you got but I think Dodds has tried his best and he needs to go for the sake of his sanity if anything. Fans have turned on him and so have the players by the looks of things.... 

  6. 47 minutes ago, Central Belt Caley said:

    Just been thinking about it and it would be so on brand for this board to sack Dodds the day after the transfer window closes 

    Apparently if this happens Callum Davidson is gonna be the man to replace him 🤔 but this is obviously just rumours. It kind of makes senses though he's just been managing in Perth which isn't TOO far down South. I don't think he wants to be a gameday pundit on Sportsound for too long so I reckon he'll be keen if offered the job.

    But we'll wait and see what happens on Saturday 

  7. 13 hours ago, Juanhourjoe said:

    Problem with the midfield  is we don't have the right kind of players, to play 2 in the middle, with 2 wingers.

    Who would Anderson, play with in the middle that fixes that?

    I'm hoping with Anderson adding a more attacking dynamic to midfield it'll suit Gilmour or Carson a bit better you can only hope!  it'll be probably be Gilmour he plays with I reckon Davidson will be getting dropped to the bench on Saturday so Carson will be back to RB. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Juanhourjoe said:

    I mean mean we still have Gilmour, Carson, Hyde, Bray and Harper( if we get another defender) that can all play in the middle.

    Would be a pointless signing, when everyone else can see centre back and right wing, is where welack quality 

    In all fairness we badly need another midfielder along with a RW and CB. Carson is struggling to adjust back into midfield good chance he'll be put back into RB if Davidson keeps up his mistakes. 

    Gilmour just ain't cutting it been almost like a passenger since the league started not the replacement to Allardice we hoped. 

    Hyde is not ready to be a regular starter at this level squad player at best. 

    Bray has been amazing since breaking into the 1st team but he's still an inexperienced 17 year old boy can't be putting to much pressure on him it's important his game time is managed accordingly. 

    Unless Delaney starts to play at LB or we sign another CB who can also play LB then i doubt Harper will be spending a lot of time in midfield which is frustrating because that's where he thrives. 

    So if we're signing another midfielder it's probably not a bad move.

  9. Where do you even start? Horrendous start to the match for one conceding a own goal within 30 seconds is a quick sure way to get heads down. Conceding a 2nd about half n hour later due to some more dodgy defending will just sap the morale and confidence out of most players. It was always a uphill battle from this point onwards  

    The period between 1-0 and 2-0 I think we troubled the defence like twice with half chances just not good enough when you're tyring to respond to such an early setback. We had periods were we could've troubled the defence way more but the players just seemed to offer nothing in the final third. 

    2nd half players seemed more up for it Devine having a header smash of the bar which according to him and many others crossed the line but the ref and linesman was certain it wasn't a  goal. Still it don't matter in the end when your conceding such cheap goals!

    We got our lifeline when Frizzell got sent off for a late challenge on Keith Bray but we failed to capatilises as per usual. A very jammy Nathan Shaw goal was as good as we got. 

    We just seem hopeless right now that's the right word i would use HOPELESS. We can't score unless it's handed to us on a fucking plate all the chances we do create we fail to convert them and each and every single time we miss these chances the heads go down even more as the fans start to lose their shit and the players lose their confidence. Then we lose the cheapest goals you'll ever see and its just the icing on the shit cake. 

    This was a must win for us and we were 1-0 down  within 30 seconds by half time the game was pretty much done and it was thanks to the red card that we had any hope at all.... 

    If we lose next week to Dunfermline surely something has to give as we have Raith and Dundee Utd afterwards. 

  10. 2 hours ago, PB1994 said:

    Apart from Arbroath I am struggling to see who we are better than. Ayr maybe? Then again they did just beat us and have brought Logan Chalmers in. Airdrie? Based off of the League Cup game they looked like a decent side and played good football. 9th could be a genuine possibility and I can't see us getting higher than 7th.

    We have a soft as shit defence, with no depth to it, only Shaw who could be described as a threat out wide and midfield centrally hasn't look great either. Some of the players in our squad are far too good for a relegation battle but the way we are now I could see us being involved in one.

    A team with some glaringly obvious weaknesses and a shite manager is a recipe for disaster.

    No doubt unless we start to dramatically turn things around that it'll be ourselves and Arbroath fighting to avoid the automatic drop maybe the odd team joining on us on the back of bad form... you're right can't see us finishing above 7th we're just not good enough even with some of the quality players we do have they're surrounded by bang average league 1/2 players who just simply ain't good enough. 

    Avoiding the bottom 2 is the main objective surely even the board can see that now.....  no way are we getting promoted with this sqaud 

  11. 10 hours ago, Glenmavis Diamond said:

    Just reading the comment and it's mental to think that we've only just been promoted but seem to be getting tagged as the favourites for this one. I don't like that, as its usually when it goes tits up! 

    Hoping for a win though. 

    We're the weakest we've been in years I'd happily swap Lodovica for the likes of Todorov thought he had a great game against us last month in the cup. We're just lacking in quality, depth and confidence and that's a mixture for a relegation scrap..... 

  12. Must win game for us so early on in the season we lose this and then lose or draw against Dunfermline we're in a lot of trouble as we face both Raith and Dundee Utd next month. 

    Our only hope is that we have created decent chances in the last 2 games some of them being clear cut we just haven't converted them but it's not like we're failing to trouble the defence all game the chances are there we just need to take them before we start losing more confidence. 

    Our biggest downfall is obviously our defence we've conceded some poor goals recently most notably the 2nd scored by Queens Park. To say we're missing Deas is an understatement 

    Our midfield is seriously missing Welsh and Mcgregor it's just not good enough right now think Carson will take a few games to get used to midfield again Gilmours been pretty average in our last 2 games. Hyde is back but he's not our answer. Can't put all the pressure on 17 year old Keith Bray who's been our outstanding player by far 👏 

    If we get a draw it will be a decent result but like I said we really need to be winning this. 

  13. So that's Max Ram gone another forgettable ICT player during the Dodds Saga. He never seemed fit or good enough for this level so quite happy to see him go. 14 appearances in all competitions says it all he's rarely been involved in the squad and the wage can be used for better things. Surely this means we're signing a centre back very soon! 

  14. If this is our finished team we're fucked. Got a bad feeling about this.... heard we have just enough money in the tin for one more player and that will be a CB the player in question is young "quick on his feet" not the experienced leader at the back we so desperately crave. 

    Some of these players wouldn't look out of place in a League one side and that's concerning... probably our weakest team in over 20 years.1692296683488.thumb.jpg.0dc3e36b31278f3588f0198d12dc555f.jpg

  15. 53 minutes ago, bpdon said:

    This. I think some folk on here were watching a different game to me last night if they are blaming Dodds for the defeat(I was nearby and went along as a neutral). 

    Too many players were well off it in the first half yesterday. How many times did Allardice get rolled or over commit and miss his challenge opening up the lines? Welsh was poor and had little impact. Deas and Devine were getting rag dolled by Akinyemi all night. Along with Ridgers they were also guilty of terrible distribution too often. And where do you start with last weeks hero Danny Mackay? What a sh1tebag he looked.

    Same shape, different personnel in the second half and they looked much better. Carson gave some much needed energy and bite to centre mid. Samuels shifted defenders around with his pace and movement. Shaw and Harper were your best over the 90mins - thought they were very good.

    Dodds might have made some mistakes over the course of the season (I couldn’t comment), but it was the Caley players sh1t’n the bed in the first half last night that cost you the result. You made a decent fist of it in the second half but Ayr managed the game out well and landed a sickener of a sucker punch late on when ICT had sounded the bugles.

    Who's coaching, motivating and managing these players? The inconsistency this season is all down to the management team. 

  16. Looking forward to this semi final way more then the one in 2019. I just had zero belief we could win. We had a couple of chances in that game but Hearts were in control throughout the entire 90 minutes. Was just really a underwhelming day in general. I remember the third goal went in and i just couldn't wait to get back home was knackered by full time due to getting up at like 6am after like 3-4 hours sleep. Must have drank like a dozen coffees before kick off 🤣

    Obviously we have a much better chance of reaching the final this time round but we just have a better team in general which can put in a good memorable, performance. Players that can create something players that can win us games and that just excites me way more then the team in 2019. 

    Exciting times for Caley fans considering where we were before early March did anyone predict this end to the season?  We could've easily been like Raith stuck in 7th with nothing to fight for but here we are approaching our 5th Scottish Cup Semi Final and our 7th major semi overall with a real chance of reaching a 3rd major cup final not to forget we have a great chance of making the play offs as well. What a difference nearly 2 months can make 👏 


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