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Bairn Necessities

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Everything posted by Bairn Necessities

  1. I think you have a point here. I wasnt bothered at all by Longridge, Austin and co leaving. Sibbald and Jake were the only ones I was gutted about. Even Nelson I was a bit meh about But I thought we'd replace them with better. How wrong can you be? Bite your airms off for Longridge back. f**k I'd even take Tumilty. That's how bad things are
  2. Total David Brent from Greenwood there.. "There's good news and bad news... The bad news is that we got ridden bareback by Thistle and are rank rotten. On the other hand..."
  3. Hartley - "Richard Mitchell is a crucial acquisition for the club. It is very important to me that we have the proper recruitment structure to allow us to find the best possible players within our budget. Richard has been hard at work over the last few weeks and we will both now turn our attentions towards working on our summer targets.”Mmmm.
  4. Don't mean to be harsh but that league is his level. He should notch a few there. Think Stenny have quite a decent team from what I'm told for the seaside leagues
  5. Looking at the scoring charts was magic. Well done RB. Thing is as well, because of all the 1/2 year deals now, I can't see anyone we have getting close to those numbers in the next decade If someone is scoring at a rate that's exciting they'll be sold or pre contract elsewhere.
  6. I also think we'll lose the following two. So 3 points from 5 games. Urgh.
  7. Well yes. And players who improve the team tend to want to be paid more than minimum wage
  8. So how exactly do you propose affording a squad of "quality and depth"? It's one or the other
  9. We could easily have 3 if we plan to play 1 up front. With a wide player or attacking midfielder who can do a turn up there if needed. Much bigger clubs do that. Of my 3/4 marquee lads shout. I'd have 2 as strikers. A centre half and a midfielder, if you can afford 4.
  10. Yep. Injuries are only a problem if you have players you'll miss. There's not one of this lot id be gutted to know was missing a game with the sniffles.
  11. I've always thought the way to do this is to have 3 or 4 "marquee" signings. On maybe a grand a week.. or a grand and a half. Fill the rest of the team with jobbers or youths, maybe loans on max of 400 quid. (Academy.. cough) Quality over quantity. Do t blow your budget was crazily.. just use it differently.
  12. He'll get a good couple of months, even if we lose every game in the first 6 or 7...
  13. Think it's sheer optimism from lads looking at formations and to tinkering with a position here and there. Dont think there's any combination of starting lineup that can make ballers out of this dross.
  14. 100% agree. Absolute shanner of a competition. f**k all colts teams. Especially the Sevcoltians.
  15. Yer weekly reminder that we paid a fee for Mackin. A fee. Paid by us. For Mackin.
  16. Shite as we are, I'm still fucking delighted not to be watching James Craigen and Mark Kerr.
  17. No one. I'm blocking out of my skull that we're even playing the Sevcoltians.
  18. I wonder about that too. I think if you could get an honest answer he'd admit what he has signed is dross.
  19. He can't defend that well. He can play LWB and go forward but he was always suspect at defending last season Is he a better left back than McGhee? Yes or no?
  20. We're basically fucked. We can't get rid of this lot. They're not good enough. And even a change of manager isn't going to help that. I think this could already be another two years in the mid to bottom of the Championship.
  21. Question is like to ask is "did you actually see these guys playing, and if so how often, or did you have a chat to a couple of agents who said 'Ive got this lad Tom for you..reckon he could be perfect for what you need..'?"
  22. Why are people suddenly claiming Robson isnt a left back? He might not be a terrific one but he can definitely play left back competently. Unlike McGhee who's a fucking shit left back
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