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Johnny Red

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Posts posted by Johnny Red

  1. Faz suggesting some of our two year deals may be on the move. I'd take a guess at messrs McKee and Lynch being at the top of that particular list. 
    On the Sparky suggestion, I think it would be pretty mental to move Boyle into a coaching role and replace him with another aging left back who has seen his best days, surely if any lessons were learned last year its that full back was a major issue.

    My money’s on Carswell. I think if he was allowed away, he’d be itching to go.
  2. They are our owners essentially. The Norwegians are the front of it but this Manchester based company are the architects who will be planning our stadium move (and thus generating a profit for the Norwegians, in their minds). We couldn't find a sponsor in the summer and they agreed to a stadium and shirt sponsor, but as far as a legally binding contract and breaches of that, I don't know. 

    The club did have a sponsor, a sponsor that actually paid their dues, but this was knocked back on the promise of having a £50k offer from the Corruption Consortium. It was all puppet mastered by your man, who effectively runs the architects, the room company and cognitive. A bird in the hand……
  3. Haha just because you’re alone and unable to get laid yet alone get a girlfriend 

    You’re actually hilarious, when the comedy night come back at the rock please come down for the open mic night. Your opening gag could be “so I have a wife and a PhD”…..that’ll bring the house down.
  4. Ooft, that was nasty Johnny, even I felt that [emoji109]
    But this week has seen a potentially decent bit of business by Stevie Farrell and the Board, so fair play for that.  This striker fella could be the biggest personality since Froxy - let's hope so 

    All in fun OKI
  5. You are the king of cryptic shite tbqhwy.

    The word shite implies what I say is false. You will find everything I have said is spot on. And I’m not trying to be cryptic…..it’s not exactly ‘wee stinker’ crossword level is it? I’m trying to get you to open your eyes to what is going on and start asking questions of board members and trust representatives who have the answers. You say they are not taking money out the club? So the front man patsy flies over from Norway to live in Helensburgh. You think he is funding the accommodation and his various expenses himself do you?? And promising funding and sponsorship that will never be paid, which will cripple the club next season is probably worse than taking money out the club. Open your eyes and start asking questions.
  6. No point discussing it with me? Don’t come on here throwing around cryptic shite then, just come out with it. How is anyone else supposed to know that? It isn’t public knowledge.
    Quite clearly if they aren’t stumping up sponsorship money then that directly impacts his budget. 
    Where did you get that information from?

    Aye, reign it in and open your eyes Tony Soprano
  7. Recent financial reports said debt had been wiped and given the current playing squad vs income I’d be astounded if they were syphoning money from the club to line their pockets. 
    I’d like to think someone would have spoken up by now if that was the case.

    You’re off the mark there, the word sponge comes to mind…..and have invested the square root of zip

  8. To be honest I had no idea who he was. He came up, said something I didn’t catch and then shook hands with me. It was only as he left the room that I twigged he had an accent and we then realised he was our esteemed owner. Hardly made an impression

    A dangerous wee f****r
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