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Hank von Hell

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Hank von Hell last won the day on May 9 2019

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    The Land Down Under
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  1. Millions into Falkirk AND a short-term sugar rush.......look no further ....Red Bull Falkirk (the right colours too)
  2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder & all that plus it's amazing how you crave something you cannot have......that is until I found a pub on the Gold Coast that actually imports Tennents & let me tell you it was glorious to taste. Never seen it anywhere else in Australia so I am lucky this joint is 10 mins from my house.
  3. Agree with your comments, just keep it simple. I'd also add gold on red not a great combo. It's only a strip at the end of the day and results will deem if it is remembered fondly or not. We have had some really classy strips over the years - this is not one IMO.
  4. Wow, after the near destruction job on our club by Campbell & Lang - closing an academy the envy of most of Scotland and diverting all money to useless below average journeymen with no sell on value some people have learned nothing. Also expecting immediate results whilst trying to sniff out "every penny" when someone else is paying for it is a bit rich. Give it a chance man, it's a long road back.
  5. We absolutely need that filter considering our BOD were ready to sell us to that coffee van owner with zero due dilligence. I admire what the Well Society have done in rejecting that US investment - it was a terrible deal financially for their club.
  6. Exactly! Which is why statements like " we need new investment" and "just issue new shares" are pretty naive. Not going to happen......unless someone like Uncle Sandy or the Rawlins gift their shares back to the club
  7. How do we get investment, I thought all the shares were sold?
  8. All this talk about budgets and maximizing money in with things like reselling season tickets I got to wondering when we last sold a player for money as that used to be one of our biggest sources of income. According to Transfermrkt which could be wrong of course it's 2017/18 with academy graduate Tony Gallagher sold for a couple of hundred grand, how that kind of money would be welcome these days. 6 years though without any of that income is a shock. Hopefully with the youth set up returning again albeit slowly and cautiously after arch FFC villains Campbell & Lang stupidly & arrogantly destroyed it we may get back to selling players once more.
  9. I realize I'm out the bubble here but I find that really hard to get. Jeffries teams gave Rangers, Celtic, Hibs and Hearts bloody noses, not Montrose, Kelty, Annan and Edinburgh City. No disrespect to the current squad but I don't understand how it can be a better time than under Jeffries......but then as I say I am out the bubble and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Regardless of all that, enjoy the day and stop comparing.
  10. Eddie May tried to resign at Christmas but George Craig wouldn't accept it and persuaded him to stay. He floundered on for another 2 months which went a long way to sealing our fate. Blame George Craig. Another example of why ex FFC players should never manage us, it always ends on a sour note. Eddie May should rightly be remembered as one of the greats but this shows he ain't by some.
  11. The Camfield in Perth - biggest pub in Australia right next door to the Optus Stadium. Been there a couple of times now. "5 BARS, 175 BEER TAPS, ONSITE MICRO-BREWERY, HUGE BEER GARDEN WITH CONTAINER BAR, ONLY 100M FROM OPTUS STADIUM" That's what you want.
  12. I was back from Oz for that match, I could not believe how truly awful we had become, having not seen us play in a few years. Queens absolutely destroyed us that day and ironically Fasan saved us from a cricket score. Must have been his one and only good-ish game and we still got beat.
  13. Correct. "Plan B is Plan A ... just done better". Marcelo Bielsa
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