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Hank von Hell

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Everything posted by Hank von Hell

  1. I said a year ago when I first clapped eyes on him that McShane was absolute dross, he looked terrible even in Hartley's team and he's still there.
  2. Hmm....here he says the opposite. https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fans-q-a-with-mark-campbell-as-it-happened-1-4973223 What's in it for you? Fan; Do you plan to make money personally, or your own company? MC: Neither, the money will be going back into Falkirk.
  3. I still find it difficult to understand why someone none of us had heard of a year ago and is not a Falkirk fan (he said he supports Man U) would want to put his own money into our club for absolutely no return. He said he won't take a director's wage, every penny generated will be re-invested in the club and will spend big on the new 4th stand, the south stand, new pitch, academy, buying out the council etc. He's not in it for the money he says. He is even willing to relocate completely from the US to Edinburgh , away from his existing & soon to be launched businesses. Why? He does seem to be extremely benevolent for someone with no previous links with or love for FFC. Even Superfan didn't give us the South Stand for nothing.
  4. There's the on-line coffee business , that opens soon (a few weeks away) - that will be massively successful. Magic beans anyone?
  5. Serious question. What was the reason Sunderland kicked out Mark Campbell? Not the MC version that they all got on really well, Stewart Donald is a great guy, they were terrific, I got them Keane tickets , but it wasn't to be. No the real reason. I recall I read Stewart Donald saying MC did not have the cash to run Sunderland.
  6. Fair enough. But you (wrongly) answered it as if he already had total control, and none of us sensible 1% want that.
  7. At least MC said only 99% of fans agreed with him.
  8. Has someone hacked your account BB? Do you now genuinely want MC to take over the club with at least 62% of shares & give him time? Did you not say something like if he f*cks us up, he will retreat to the US (on his visitors visa) & ignore all the flak - and there is nothing us fans can do. If he does attempt to deliver all of those promises once he has control - we will know we are on the road to ruin. He has shown no "'openness & honestly" thus far - quite the opposite. By the time he gets the keys it's already too late. Time , hopefully he will be doing time if that girl in the US wins her case.
  9. Wow , is this the same guy who 5 mins ago was meekly saying Hi guys I'm new on here , only know what I have read on here so don't give me a hard time, with some MC twitter-like "LOL". How quickly did that mask slip.
  10. So he's met 100 fans & only one cares enough about the club's future to enquire about his dodgy past - wow, his charm offensive is clearly working. Another open meeting would be perfect for him to vaguely smooze over the dirt . The answers will be along the lines of what we have heard before - messy divorce, I've sold a hotel, there's a lot of money in coffee, some of it's true but that as a long time ago, that wasn't me that was another Mark Colin Campbell with the same birthday, she's lying, oh look at squirrel! Then someone will ask if we are going to be scouting the Highland Leagues & that will be that.
  11. Come on BPM , Brooklyn Coffee is a big success & he's made a lot of money from it. The minor details like it hasn't started trading yet should not come into it. "It's time to take a punt" don't you know.
  12. Amazing stuff. First they get grief for digging up his shady past , now they are getting grief for taking so long to dig up more.
  13. Me Too...….oh wait someone has already used that. Might have some relevance mind you with MC's pending sexual harassment court case.
  14. Very close mate. Actual picture of Mark Campbell when he was last at TFS measuring up for the 4th stand.
  15. Apart from the big fat lie , what a BS statement that is. He had a real estate agency for God's sake, "people told him not to go to NY when Trump became president because he's into property and real estate - is he seriously trying to say Trump was his competition. Am I reading this wrong? Yes Trump is into property & real estate - he doesn't run an estate agency with 7.....sorry 6 employees. 'Within a week I realised he wasn't good for America' - where has he been ? The Moon? There is one thing he has in common with the Orange One, they have both been accused of sexual harassment.
  16. When I said no-one had heard of him , of course the liquidator has. ChoiceITLimitedLiquidation[7175].pdf
  17. Apparently MC is now claiming he made his fortune in Australia. No-one here has heard of him.....oh wait Choice IT of course. ChoiceITLimitedInformation[7176].pdf
  18. Can he not at least pick fruit ? Or drive a coffee van
  19. If that's true then it might explain why he's ready to leave his US business empire ,that he's built in under 3 years, behind. I hope the coffee van was leased
  20. Well, well ,well. Liquidated businesses , bankruptcy - why on earth are the MSG still talking to him & want to sell him full control . This is our club not theirs. Ah well it's time to draw a line apparently and take a punt.
  21. What I find really strange is that if his US businesses are doing so well , and the coffee company he is about to launch there is going to finally give him the fortune he currently claims to have - why is he looking to relocate lock, stock & barrel to Scotland to run a 3rd tier football club that he claims he's not looking to make money from???? It seems very weird , would you not stay where the money is.
  22. A couple of funny observations from MC's Twitter mayhem; 1. He's actually replying to someone called Willy Stroker (@BoabyTaster) 2. The guy that won the Keane tickets didnae want them . I really hope he keeps this Twitter stuff going after he takes over.
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