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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 8 hours ago, Chripper said:


    Great move by Jim Ratcliffe (£29.7 bn net worth) by sacking Sir Alex Ferguson, the man who took Manchester United from a million pound mid table club to a global titan that's worth billions, who dominated the EPL, conquered Europe multiple times, and ban him from the dressing room.

    Yes. Sack Sir Alex Ferguson to save a measles £2m a year. When there's players in that club (Antony) who earn £10+m per year without actually contributing anything.

    Kudos Jim Ratcliffe (£29.7 bn net worth) for saving £2m per year.

    What next? Tell the players to bring their own food to the canteen? Get the fans to volenteer to mow the pitch?

    And I thought the Glazers were bad.

    Paying Ferguson, indeed paying anyone, £2m quid a year to be a football club 'ambassador' is an obscene waste of money. What did he do ? Hand out the Ferrero Roche and look regal ? 

  2. On 14/10/2024 at 16:21, Alert Mongoose said:

    Brexit, no to immigaration, colonialism, greed is good/capitalism will serve everyone etc. I'm not claiming every English person thinks like that but, from what I can see, they all seem to be majority viewpoints.

    If you're not claiming every English person thinks in exactly the same way then don't use nonsense phrases like 'The English viewpoint'. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, theoriginalhedge said:

    As in everyday life , why should Scotland accept being second class? 


    We have enough people with drive , ambition and self respect to make a real go of things but there are too many just willing to accept being told we are not good enough. 

    I am not sure which camp Steve Clarke falls into as he says the right things beforehand but seems to accept defeat very easily. 

    Yes we have players with drive, ambition and self respect; it's just that not enough of them have the talent and footballing skills required for international level. That's a fact. Scotland are a second class football nation and no amount of simplistic  'Scots Wae Hae' claymore thumping will change that. That type of thinking is akin to the nonsense some spout about Celtic winning championship after championship 'because they want it more'.

  4. On 12/10/2024 at 21:14, Alert Mongoose said:

    Almost in tears at the news. Not for his death tbh, but I guess it feels like an extension of the death of the dream I had of Scottish independence. 

    Should his death make any difference to that aim? Probably not tbh but somehow feels that way.

    Am I anti English? I've pondered that question but I still can't say for certain. I get on with lots of English people who I consider friends but I despise what I concieve of the English viewpoint and how we are tarred with it whether we agree with it or not.

    TLDR - too much red wine.


    What's 'the English viewpoint ' ? 

  5. On 10/10/2024 at 08:04, Dons_1988 said:

    I didn’t realise the on the pitch huddle was so recent either :lol:

    Theyre just a long series of marketing gimmicks. 

    Glasgow Celtic were founded as a 'marketing gimmick'. That gimmick being "isn't the Roman Catholic Church wonderful that they can find time from counting their Vatican City billions to start a football club in Glasgow for 'charridy' "

  6. 15 hours ago, Sortmeout said:

    I can’t believe the Celtic “huddle” has led to so much discussion nor can I believe that it winds people up. 

    I still feel a wee bit cringey when our fans boo it because after all these years I cant really care about it. I did used to boo the hell out of it when I was younger right enough.

    What winds me up is not 'the huddle', 'the YNWA singalong', or 'the more than just a club' hyperbole; it's the lie that Celtic supporters and the club constantly push, that the above are things they've come up with themselves and that Glasgow Celtic are somehow unique, special, and superior to all other clubs just 'because they're Celtic'. They are not unique....there is a club exactly - EXACTLY - like them in Govan.  Those two are the true 'diddy clubs' in Scottish football.

  7. 54 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

    The only way Aberdeen have any chance of winning this is if they don’t give Celtic too much respect, catch them on an off day, get in their faces and have a bit of luck on their side. Falkirk scored twice there and held out til the 70th minute. Of course Celtic are expected to win this comfortably but it’s not an impossible task. If Aberdeen show this lot too much respect they’ll end up running riot. Basically just don’t fold like a deck chair whenever Celtic attack. 

    Exactly...why should they show massive respect to a side horsed 7-1 in Dortmund. While Aberdeen are not Dortmund or anything like it, that result tells us that Celtic are not this great team the Scottish football media establishment insist they are. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, DukDukGoose said:

    I started watching football in 1994-95. 

    Genuinely thought the huddle was something Celtic have been doing since long before I was born.

    Stole the Irishness from Hibs and the huddle from St Mirren. Joke club.

    ......YNWA from Liverpool, 'more than just a club' from Barcelona.....the list goes on. I'm sure there must have be an original thought from Celtic directors, players and supporters since 1888 but, other than fetishising secterian emnity for material gain, I can't think of any.

  9. 14 hours ago, Handsome_Devil said:

    Just checking in here to take the temperature and that's a very similar point to one that came up in a private chat - Celtic will not win the treble and 38 games in the league, it's simply not going to happen, but they're going to drop points or potentially be upset in a cup through their own complacency, ie a shite game where it's unexpected, not at Hampden and not v Aberdeen when it's a live contest and not a dead rubber.

    That said, I would absolutely f**king love to be wrong...I don't know why anyone who isn't an OF fan wouldn't want Aberdeen to continue this as long as possible, other than against their own team. Mainly for the bigger picture to be sure but even for practical terms, third is clearly done and dusted, so that side beating the rest will help you.

    Re points, doing those sums is when even the most wildest dreams of a non-OF title win fall apart - the rest could indulge in a massive conspiracy to gift Aberdeen 30 wins and even starting with 90 points in the bank it's entirely possible they wouldn't get enough in the eight OF games to get over the line.



    Just one, of many, reasons we need a bigger league where teams only play each other twice.

  10. 11 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    Not only Celtic supporters, the BBC Sportsound podcast tomorrow is doing a special on “can Aberdeen win the league?”. No doubt they’ll find a couple of folk in our support that’ll pander to their stupidity.

    That's what the Celtic minded media establishment do. Pile on the pressure, try to get inside the heads of the 'uppity diddies' If by some miracle Aberdeen are still up there at Christmas wait for the 'transfer speculation' stories 

  11. 44 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    Re Nightsleeper

    It actually managed to generate some tension in places, but the overriding thing about it was just incredible stupidity from all characters, and a chronic lack of any realism whatsoever.

    I was particularly seething with the armed police getting on to clear a train of people, and various people telling them no im not getting off until I have done this or that....

    Yeah, armed police on counter terrorism business are famed for their easy going approach

    At least when the said they were in Motherwell station they showed the real Motherwell station rather than a studio-set in Elstree.

  12. 8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

    Stevens and Mccarthy on BBC One at the moment might be the worst thing I've ever seen on TV. 

    I wonder what the reason was for it's commissioning ? As a comedy it falls at the first and most basic hurdle - be funny ! So there has to be some other reason these two were given a series as they don't possess any comedic talent. 

  13. 20 hours ago, Greenlantern said:

    Celtic and Adidas look like renewing their partnership once the current kit deal runs out at the end of 2024/25 season. During the kit deal Celtic broke into the top 20 best selling club kits generating £29mil in sales.

    Personally, apart for last seasons home i've been impressed with our kits. I know they're very much a template for all these days. 

    As Alice Cooper almost sang..."Ignore Tuesday night and drone on about the kit, I wanna be deflected. We've got a lotta cash but in Europe we're shit, I wanna be deflected...deflected, dejected, detested, ejected....."  

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